Strange, here, invisible

Tanya Behrisch
Published in
Feb 27, 2024
Strangeness invisible visible and here. Photo by author (2023)

There is a place
Known and solid
A family, a home
Tranquil, secure.

There is a color
I know and inhabit
Others know it too
We take it for granted

All that is known
Familiar, secure
Prompting no questions
No reason to doubt

There is a seam
Between here and an other
That other is strange,
Here, yet invisible.

Strangeness is here

I trace the blue contour
One hand in this world
One touching that

Muse says “you’re both,
you’re strange
and familiar.”

Kettle’s steam rises
Visible invisible
I hover before pouring
Knowing I’m both.

We live beside strangeness
We know it, we touch it
Reluctant to own
Our undivided selves.

I peer through the membrane
Quiet, alive
Strangeness awaits
Inviting, inside.

