sunlight and stardust

Aswathi Ashok
Published in
Jul 31, 2023
Photo by Sina Katirachi on Unsplash

you can’t halt the river’s flow
or bid the moon not to glow
you can’t embrace the sun’s warmth
nor quell the wild spirit’s chase

you can’t bid a star to dim its light
or ask the wind to cease its rush
you can’t cage a bird when skies are its home
nor hold back time’s cosmic roam

you can’t tell a child to stop dreaming
nor hold back your lover from leaving

accept life’s flow with open eyes
as it scatters stardust across the skies

©️ Aswathi Ashok 2023, all rights reserved



Aswathi Ashok

An adventurous soul, a poetess, and a captivating work in progress. 🌟📝✨