The Celebrity

Of Suffering.

David Rudder
2 min readJul 21, 2023


Photo by Dmitry Berdnyk on Unsplash

She is the Prima Donna
The celebrity of suffering
She craves continual attention
We wonder if she’s bluffing

She is the Princess of pain
The original drama queen
And commands a larger audience
Than anybody’s seen

Is she calling Wolf
Or are her calls genuine
She’s the martyr of the moment
A real heroine

Always asking for too much
And never satisfied
The centre of the universe
She got there and never tried

Her servants and her minions
Wait on her hand and foot
And gather there at her command
If not, she gives them the boot

She’s rude to those that serve her
Subservient to those that don’t
No rewards for helping her
Even less if you won’t

She’s a celebrity of suffering
oh my, it makes me cry
Each day she’s more like my mother
And hardly must try

Tears of blood won’t tranquilise
The pleasure or the pain
The celebrity of suffering
It sends most of us insane


David Rudder

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David Rudder

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.