The day I find someone worthy of a revolution, that day I will realise I am in love

A confession

Shuvranil Sanyal
2 min readApr 20, 2024


There are ditches dug deep into my heart with cynicism. The red flags I wave aren’t just for looks; they’re battle-worn reminders of past failures. Love for me has always been a lukewarm cup of quick pleasure, a spark that goes out when I see the harsh light of reality. But I have a secret fire inside me — a spark of defiance and a desire for more. It longs for a change, an end to everything the way things are now, not just in love but in the way hearts connect in general.

I’m waiting for the person who won’t be scared off by my defences. Someone who will see the safety wall I’ve put up not as a turnoff but as a challenge. Someone who will bring their own change, a set of ideas that make me feel the same way. We are not going to fight for each other, but with each other. Our love will be a battle cry, a rejection of the ordinary, and a sign of the amazing things that can happen when people work together towards a goal.

When I meet this spirit-mate that day, the walls around my heart will fall down. Not because they are dumb, but because they know them. I won’t see a mirror of myself in their eyes; I’ll see a whole person. Together, we’ll be rebels ready to change the old stories about love. And in the middle of the beautiful mess we make, I’ll finally get it: this is love. Not a calm giving up, but a glorious rising of the soul.

© Shuvranil Sanyal, 2024

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Shuvranil Sanyal

Blogger | Artistic Photographer | PhD Student I Poetic Storyteller