The Dominatrix

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera
Published in
Dec 16, 2020
image by author

You have chosen a delicate persecution
my intention is simply your release
all boundaries will be delineated before we start.

This is the day of cutthroat transcendence
of lipstick smeared on pallid skin
your final destination.

My lines are harder than yours
jaded and proud
with my experienced tongue and this burning roach
you will crave my touch
regardless of its severity.

I can lash you until there are beads of blood
until we can smell your pain
until you understand mine.

Not what you expected…I know,
you did not agree to abide a chamber of corpse dust
and half-burnt candles.

But tell me,
does the leather stink?
Is there a bruise with my name on it?

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera 2020

