The Totality of Us Remains

the Moon starts to move away from the Sun, the sky begins to lighten, and yet, the memory remains.

kristina lynn


Art by Esperanza Manzanera on Pinterest

No longer will I stare,
uncomprehending, at the drywall,

watching our bodies eclipse
and then your shadow

peeling off —
There is more to see

than the brief contact
making a wrung towel of my lungs;

There is more to see than the plaster
clinging to my pillow fibers.

No longer will I press
my palm into your fist-shaped crater,

thumbing the edges
for any secrets you had

You had already excised

The Weakness.
I roll and roll, and still

the totality sears my retinas.
Still, your smolder remains.

No longer will I stare, uncomprehending
of the silence.

There is no need
when our tangential limbs burn a path

even in blindness.
I shadow our path of totality

until the once-in-a-lifetime event
becomes nauseating.

kristina gaffney 2024



kristina lynn

"I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still." - Sylvia Plath