
To my award winning actress

Alina Sileanu
Mar 10, 2021


Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash

My porcelain faced actress
don’t look in the mirror,
turn your precious gaze
your make-up is dripping
all over your face.


From the cheap seats in the back
I almost didn’t see
that you forgot your lines.
The play was mediocre
but your exit, flawless!


A loud standing ovation
for a role well played
nobody seems to notice
you’re just the stand in.


You yourself are an art form,
my love,
lose your name and your face
drop your past,
be reborn!
I name you Kabuki!


I must apologize
I will bow once and go
I didn’t realize
This was a one woman show.

Alina Sileanu



Alina Sileanu

I’m no poet. This is an attempt to write her out of me.