to the hopeless

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2023
illustration by CDD20 on pixabay

i just want to talk about hopelessness for a minute.

about the self-pitiful and seemingly helpless way we may be positioned to the outside world, a roll cage we have built around ourselves to protect us from the dangers out there. this protective barrier against any and all afflictions is a defense mechanism, a place of refuge, a place of inertia, a place of mourning.

as we travel through time, as time stands still, what time has taught us, what time is it?

for the hopeless, the time is never right, and the place is always the same. sitting in a cage of our own subjective creation, the hopeless worries about the possibility of future sufferings, simultaneously suffering from past sufferings, sufferings which helped bend and weld the steel piping of this existential facade.

worried about being trapped, about being mutilated or about being?

whether we like it or not, we are all witnesses and victims of suffering. as we suffer, we are confronted by change; something else we tend to worry about. yet worrying about all this is hopeless. change is predictable and random, always inevitable. out of our control, change can’t help but boundlessly infect us. to be hopeless is to deny the inevitable, to construct a delusion.

people worry about things, people suffer from things, people and things change.

to speak of hopelessness is to speak of worrying, of suffering, of change. of the many, it is a way we may choose to face our worries, our sufferings, the possibility of change. the hopeless is one who has suffered, sees change as suffering. as i’ve felt it, hopelessness is a loss of possibility, of becoming, of being. seemingly trapped in who we’ve been, hopelessness becomes a way of life, who we are. at the price of the future, life is bearable in the moment; fleeting as it is, so too becomes the light of possibility.

being is becoming, to be withdrawn from the experience of change, is to be the hopeless.

it may seem too easy to say be hopeful, it may even be easy to be hopeful, but how many times can you clean a cracked mirror before the realization sets in that the reflection is fragmented and not dirty. the hopeless is fixed in the role of innocent bystander, customer of fate, the victim. helpless, the hopeless sacrifices its will for the gentle rolling of the cage.

