
Published in
1 min read16 hours ago

I went to get a diet coke
at my deli on the corner
and I saw a little girl
smiling at a dog,
tugging on her mom’s hand
to look at all the beauty
and I ran home to write this.


makes me feel like
life moves on
it keeps shifting
every time I think
i’ve gained my footing
it keeps breathing
and producing
small children
who grow up
and make messes of everything
and sometimes
even off themselves.


what is it
that tugging feeling
pulling me apart
leaking from my eyes
every time I look at old pictures
buried deep inside my phone
tucked away for safe keeping
or just moments
when I feel like time travel
football fields so infinite
winding roads leading to nowhere
a soft nostalgia
like a sun-bleached polaroid.


I remember
everything —
tanned skin
swimming pools
getting drunk at the water park
and falling down the stairs
I remember the stage
we sat on
arms wrapped around each other
if only we could hold on so tight
maybe we’d never die.


but i’m just a little girl
reaching for a hand
to tug on
every time I see something beautiful
if a tree falls
in the woods
when no one’s there,
does it still make a sound?
or does life just keep living




thoughts on living and loving and the chaos that happens in between.