watermelon prayer

a sign from god to call your representatives -

Vivian Valentine
Feb 16, 2024


Photo by aung swam nyi on Unsplash

Newborns decomposing,

seemingly aged young daughters, still growing-

little boys who played games what feels like a century ago

wasting away,

little by little.

Parents eating grass to save what pinches of flour they find,

for the people they loved the most-

yet was not enough, and still died.

Instagram reels showing humanity hiding from snipers, crawling through dirt-

to save anyone they can of those who have been hurt.

I’m so sorry.

I prayed last night and I’ll pray again today,

for Allah to take this pain away.



Vivian Valentine

give what you are healthily able & do so genuinely- to the living beings who need it (don't forget about yourself).