we are all lost media

Franco Amati
Published in
1 min readJul 22, 2024


Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on Pexels

never underestimate the willingness
of greedy people to fuck you over
they act like they’re giving you
a nice slice of pie and then before
you know it, you’re left with a broken
piano, playing someone else’s sad song
in the rain to a bunch of rabid raccoons
and other intoxicated street vermin
you see, the greatest activities require
the rarest of talent, and you have it
but what can I say, you’ll need
extraordinary amounts of concentration
even at the lowest of levels,
and extraordinary toughness
at the highest of altitudes…
you’ll seriously be shocked when you
realize how much of life is a shitty
re-run, a VHS tape recorded and then
re-recorded, until it’s all static and grain —
no one is kind, no one rewinds…
we’re all going the way of lost media,
defunct, irrelevant, outdated — I mean
most of us were uncool before we even
got started… but that’s not an excuse
to not try in the first place…
everyone has a river of pathetic stuff
running through them —
let the audience swim in yours
hell, fuck it — force them to drown in it
maybe the onlookers will remember you

Franco Amati 2024



Franco Amati

Speculative fiction writer from New York. Editor of Scuzzbucket. For published work visit francoamatiwrites.com or buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/francoamati