We’re the machine

Technology & the modern world

Charles Source
1 min readDec 15, 2023


Photo by author

We live in an algorithmic world
where computers control
our minds –
we no longer have time
for each other
instead spending hours
on screens
ogling vids of
trite nonsense
or clips of
bands long past their prime
from long ago, etc.

Entertainment is God!
and all we want day in
& out (on our lunchbreak
at dinner, the office
at home) –
distractions eternally
or else communication
with people not really
there or known to us;
still, it’s human contact
of sorts
and we’ll take it
if we can, when awake
(but do we really sleep
or rest?),
anything besides the shabby unexciting
transdimensional realm of
real life (with living beings,
anxieties & uncertainty)
and so the algorithmic angle’s
the only one we have
as the machines take over
like in T-1000,
not because they ‘want’ to
(can an unconscious electronic
process want anything?)
but because we ‘will’ it
and like it that way.



Charles Source

Many of my poems reflect my "wanderer" lifestyle. Thanks for reading, etc.