Where it all began

Colin Mortemore
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2024
Photo by Eilis Garvey on Unsplash

The hardest part is looking back

At all the time I’ve spent here

Acknowledging the hours put in

The tears cried

The sweat dripped

The stress held

The hardest part is acknowledging that I tried, and it didn’t work

That I tried to fit myself into this little box

Wrapped tightly in a corporate bow

With finely written script across the top

Every T crossed, and I dotted

While I dot my eyes

With visine as I smoke away the pain of losing my soul

The agony of filling shoes too small

To contain the entirety of me

Of chasing a bag too heavy to bare

Just by oneself

A necessity, necessary evil yet one of unfulfillment

A shiny object held by a wolf with a long stick

A shark really, ready to invest in anything but me

While I rotted away, creativity shrunk and shriveled

My time ticked and ticked

Clogging the arteries of imagination

Filling with my life’s blood, my heart, and my soul

Waiting to be cut open to leak out into this world and bring bright vibrant life to what’s been dull and grey for so long

When I was hung up

An unfairly tight noose around my neck

With the stool kicked right out from underneath me

I realized then, right then, that I had wings to save myself

I had locked away the place where it had all started

The imagination of a child who dreamt of a world so vast

A world yet to be explored

A world to be created and molded into that which his eye sought

One of life

Of adventure and thrill

Of love and laughter that fills the trees

Where the birds sing deeply

And the water so fresh it quenches this heat wave we’re having

One of No Money

No expectations of life

One of curiosity and creativity

filling every nook and cranny of cracked skin from the day spent in the dirt

I’ve longed for those days

I’ve worked for those days

But I forgot

I forgot that I’m the one who determines if I get to return to where it all started

Where my love of life began

And now here I am

With wings freshly formed

Beating, testing the air

Feeling how crisp and cool it is

How uncertain the sky might feel

But ready to return

To where it all began.

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Hi friends, I wanted to update you all that I’ve also started writing long form content on Substack! I recently left a job that was unfulfilling and not the right place for me.

I decided to lean into my passions, and try out a new style of writing. So I started a blog called the No Money Memoirs. I’ll still be posting here from time to time, and likely cross post content from Susbtack to this special community I have here — but if you’d like to follow along on my journey of funemployment, curiously exploring my relationship with this world, and my life in NYC, I’d love to have you!

Feel free to follow, subscribe, and interact with me on Substack!

One of my most recent posts (Friday), is all about my relationship with Creativity. I’d love for you to check it out. Read That Gut Feeling here.

I’d also love to hear from you and be your friend in the writer’s community so please reach out on Substack, OR if you’re in NYC — let’s grab coffee. Always down to meet new friends.

Much luv, Colin.



Colin Mortemore

The only way I make sense of my world is through poetry.