SCWIST member spotlight: Jazz Bamra

Published in
5 min readOct 18, 2018

JAZZ BAMRA has been a SCWIST member for over 8 years, of which three were spent as Director for Fundraising. She holds a BSc in Cell & Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from SFU, and recently completed an Executive MBA from Royal Roads University where she was conferred the 2017/2018 CPA Education Foundation (CPAEF) Award in recognition of her outstanding academic performance. Jazz has been a Senior Financial Analyst at the Ministry of Health until June this year, and is currently a Business Consultant at MAXIMUS which provides services in the management and operations of government programs.

Tell us about yourself

I’m an independent woman who is self-motivated, driven, and has a passion for success. I’m always looking for ways to improve and grow both personally and professionally. I always keep a “to-do” list! This could be tasks or goals that I set on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

I prioritize that which is most important and formulate a strategy to achieve that specific goal. This helps me to focus on what I want in life — when I achieve the task or goal I cross it off the list and I add to the list as new ideas emerge.

I’m accountable for my actions and the steps I take today shape my tomorrow. I also enjoy being involved in the community — attending networking events, participating in the TC 10k and raising funds for charity such as Our Place Society.

Raised by a single mom- I have learned to become a confident and independent woman. I am strong, I’m a fighter, and can accomplish anything I set my mind to. My mom is and has always been a positive role model; the values I was raised with and the lessons I learned as a child has shaped me into the amazing person I am today. I’m motivated and feel empowered daily and will continue to rise. Thanks mom!

Society often determines a successful person with the amount of money he or she makes; however, I believe the amount of times someone rises from failure and their determination is the epitome of success.

What are your successes in your education/career/life?

Education: I have my Masters of Business Administration in Executive Management with a specialization in Management Consulting and Bachelor of Science (major in biochemistry/cell biology).

Career: I have obtained roles as a project manager/manager to Business Consultant and am currently being pursued by recruiters from corporations in the US.

Life: A major accomplishment was me buying my first home 4 years ago with my own finances. It feels good doing it yourself. I am looking forward to traveling across Europe and Asia next year.

What are your professional aspirations?

To achieve a high ranking position within a major corporation and then educating/assisting others to do the same and be on the cover of Forbes magazine.

What are your hobbies? Passions?

I live an active lifestyle and enjoy fitness activities (bootcamps, pilates, yoga, aerobics,weights, running etc). I would like to try boxing. My passion is dance and performing on stage; however, my career has been a primary focus and as a result, dancing has taken a back seat for now. I love to eat! This could both be a passion or hobby. On my days off I get my mom to teach me Indian cooking and we go through family recipes- the goal is to be a master chef like her.

How did you learn about SCWIST?

I became acquainted with SCWIST by attending their AGM and volunteering at their annual Gala. I then became Director of Fundraising for 3 years.

How has SCWIST impacted your education/career path?

William Clement Stone said “Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star”. It is important to set high goals in life so that even if you don’t reach the goal you had envisioned — you will achieve the goal that maybe better than you imagined. In this way, SCWIST has encouraged me to strive and pursue my dreams.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in STEM?

Being a woman has many challenges. Forbes (2018) stated “Today, only 26 women are in CEO roles at Fortune 500 companies, making up 5.2% of the female population”. It’s been a challenge moving up in the corporate world and obtaining a high rank position. Other challenges include inequality/ gender discrimination and a lack of support from other women; further, I’ve been told I’m too forward or intimidating. Regardless, no challenge will stop me from rising to the top and achieving my goals and no person can rattle my confidence or control my actions.

Any insight or advice you can offer to girls/women pursuing STEM careers?

Continue to follow your dreams. Don’t worry about the haters and stomp on the people that try and get in your way. There will always be people (friends or family or partners) talking behind your back, not supporting you, impeding your success by talking negatively about you and your goals- don’t let them influence you. Although the road to success may feel lonely, you may lose people along the way but the people that are meant to be in your life and support you on your journey will stay or will show up when you need them. I promise. Keep going, have faith, and stay focused on you.

Any feedback you can offer to SCWIST?

Continue to empower women of all ages and color!

