ScyNet blockchain paper gets three awards at Intel ISEF
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3 min readJun 25, 2019

Zvezdin Besarabov won no less than three special awards at Intel ISEF with his white paper on “Distributed Machine Learning for blockchain analysis.”

Having just turned 18, he is currently leading the development team of ScyNet. He has played a major role in designing the blockchain protocol that powers ScyNet as an autonomous and self-evolving source of machine learning models.

The concept was first described in a white paper that was created in February 2019 and is soon to be submitted for a peer review. This same theoretical model was the one that Zvezdin competed with at this year’s International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF).

The Intel ISEF is the world’s largest international pre-college science competition. Winning a local science fair is a prerequisite to attend, meaning ISEF brings together some of the best young minds around the world. For this year’s edition, there were approximately 1,800 participants from more than 80 countries.

Special Awards

The Special Awards are provided from professional organizations and companies, who affiliate with ISEF as sponsors. Whereas the Grand Awards are juried by volunteers, the Special Awards Organizations recruit their judges.

Around 50 organizations had sent their delegates to identify the projects that showed most promise at this year’s Fair in Phoenix, Arizona. Zvezdin was competing under category Systems Software, Cybersecurity

The first Special Award came from GoDaddy, one of the world’s leading web hosting provider and domain registrar. As a tech company, their team of specialists was impressed by the applicability of ScyNet and the theoretical model behind its tournaments, which serve to validate the AI performance within the ScyNet network.

As Zvezdin explains, ScyNet’s uniqueness lies in its Zero-Knowledge Protocol, which allows a decentralized network of nodes to verify the accuracy of ScyNet’s AI solutions, thus forming a fair competitive environment. Moreover, this versatile blockchain protocol can be applied to whatever type of algorithmic scenarios, and it doesn’t have to be Machine Learning.

The Arabian Foundation MAWHIBA, who are no strangers to Zvezdin, granted another Special Award. During last year’s ISEF, MAWHIBA prized him for another paper that is fundamental to ScyNet’s initial application — “Predicting the digital asset market based on blockchain activity data.” This also takes our tech lead’s ISEF awards tally to a record four for Bulgarians in this competition.

And the third Special Award came from Russia with love. Innopolis is a modern new university, focused on IT and Robotics. Coming from a technocratic community, the Innopolis delegates were quick to recognize the potential applications of the described blockchain protocol.

With some of the best young talents in Bulgaria working actively on the project, the future of ScyNet looks brighter than ever. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks!

Originally published at on June 24, 2019.


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