The Pendulum of the Mind
Have you ever felt your spiritual disciplines aren’t producing the expected results? Despite your efforts, your negative tendencies — your Sanskaras — keep resurfacing.
You find yourself stuck in old habits and emotions, unable to maintain a state of purity and calmness. You may even wonder, “Are my spiritual practices even working?”
Welcome to the spiritual world, my dear! Your struggle is not uncommon.
A Story of the Wise Monk
Once upon a time, in a serene monastery in the mountains, there lived a wise monk known for his profound inner peace. A young disciple approached him, frustrated by his inability to maintain a pure mind.
“Master,” the disciple said, “I meditate daily, chant mantras, and follow all the teachings, but I still fall back into anger and sadness. Why can’t my mind stay pure? Are my spiritual practices not working?”
The wise monk smiled and handed the disciple a small clay pot. “Take this pot to the river, fill it with water, and bring it back,” he instructed.
The disciple obeyed and brought the pot filled with water. The monk took a stick and stirred the water vigorously. “Look at the water now,” he said. The water was murky and filled with swirls of sediment.