2022 Data and the SDGs: Events to Follow

SDG Counting
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2022

Here are the events the SDGCounting team will be following in 2022 as we explore how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are being tracked and reported on:

One Ocean Summit

February 9–11 | Brest, France

The Summit will focus on developing concrete action steps to reduce adverse effects related to maritime issues in line with the Global Goals.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

February-March | Virtual

These sessions will include the release of the Sixth Assessment Report outlining climate change impact, adaptation and vulnerability.

UN Environment Assembly

February 12–March 2 | Nairobi, Kenya

The theme for this event will be “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the SDGs.”

UN Statistical Commission

February 28 – March 4 | Virtual

Focusing on “Better Data, Better Lives”, the 53rd StatComm will be held virtually this year. Side events have already started and can be followed on YouTube.

Ninth World Water Forum

March 22–27 | Dakar, Senegal

With a theme of ‘Water Security for Peace and Development,’ this forum will focus on:

  • Water security and sanitation
  • Cooperation
  • Rural development
  • Means tools

75th World Health Assembly

May 22–28 | Geneva, Switzerland

This is the annual decision-making session for the WHO to determine policies and focus areas.


June 2–3 | Stockholm, Sweden

This global meeting will focused on:

  • Actions needed for a healthy planet and prosperity for all
  • Sustainable and inclusive recovery in light of COVID-19
  • Accelerating progress on the environmental dimensions of the SDGs

High Level Political Forum

July 5–15 | New York / Virtual

The HLPF is one of the most significant SDG related events of the year as Voluntary National Reviews are presented, the SDG Progress Report is released, and numerous stakeholders conduct related session. This year’s HLPF will focus on:

  • SDG 4 — Quality Education
  • SDG 5 — Gender Equality
  • SDG 14 — Life Below Water
  • SDG 15 — Life on Land
  • SDG 17 — Partnerships for the Goals

International AIDS Conference

July 29 – August 2 |Montreal, Canada

The 24th IAC has a theme of “Re-engage and follow the science” and will focus on:

  • Presenting Evidence
  • Learning form COVID-19 and HIV
  • Addressing Evidence and Implementation Gaps
  • Moving Evidence to Implementation
  • Supporting the Next Generation

Global Goals Week

September 13–27 | New York

This collection of diverse events focuses on progress and approaches to achieving the Global Goals and will be held during the 2022 UN General Assembly.

UN Climate Change Conference

November 7–18 | Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Originally scheduled for 2021, this conference will include multiple side events focused on the combating climate change and mitigating challenges.

UN World Data Forum

Early 2023 | Hangzhou, China

Following up on the 2021 Bern meeting, the next gathering of the UN Data
Forum will be hosted in early 2023. More details to come.

For a full list of SDG related events, we recommend you consult the Event Calendar from the International Institute for Sustainable Development and the Planning Calendar for Sustainable Development from the UN.

SDGCounting is a program of StartingUpGood and tracks the progress of counting and measuring the success of the SDGs. Check us out on Twitter.



SDG Counting

Keeping track of progress on trying to count and measure the success of the Sustainable Development Goals.