Data for a Changing World: Data Use under Covid-19

SDGCounting UN World Data Forum Session Notes

SDG Counting
2 min readDec 2, 2020


This post is part of a series highlighting sessions from the 2020 UN Data Forum. Watch every session or read our summary.

Summary: Experts from around the world explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges for data collection and use. Panelists discuss novel approaches to public and private data while also discussing challenges related to privacy and ensuring accuracy with new methodologies.


  • Beth Blauer, Executive Director, Johns Hopkins
  • Emily Courey Pryor, Executive Director, Data2X
  • Dr. David Nabarro, WHO Director-General’s Special Envoys on COVID-19 Preparedness and Response
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, UN Secretary-General’s Advocate for the SDGs
  • Jeanne Holm, Chief Data Officer of Los Angeles
  • Mercy Kanyuka, Commissioner of Statistics, Malawi NSO
  • Tim Harford, Author of Financial Times Columnist

Key Takeaways

Dr. David Nabarro, WHO Director-General’s Special Envoys on COVID-19 Preparedness and Response

Disaggregated data is essential for making informed policy decisions, but it also requires trust and professionalism to ensure confidentiality and to protect the individuals the data are describing.

Beth Blauer, Executive Director, Johns Hopkins

There was/is a lack of standards on measuring COVID-19.

How can we use this important moment for public data as a catalyst for change?

Jeanne Holm, Chief Data Officer of Los Angeles

By humanizing the data and making it personal, we can build trust with government and citizens. It is up to us to manifest the data so it is approachable and understandable.




SDG Counting

Keeping track of progress on trying to count and measure the success of the Sustainable Development Goals.