Major Reports from the 2023 HLPF on SDGs

SDG Counting
Published in
6 min readJul 10, 2023

The High Level Political Forum serves as an annual platform for stakeholders across the globe to discuss the progress and challenges surrounding the Sustainable Development Goals.

In a previous article, we broke down what to expect from the event and how to follow along. Here we focus on the most significant reports either released or heavily referenced at the HLPF.

NOTE: This is a living document with links being updated as expected reports are released and new ones announced. Be sure to bookmark this page to stay up to date on these key documents.

Sustainable Development Goals Report

The SDG Report from UNDESA and UNStats is perhaps the single best document for understanding how the world is doing when it comes to the 2030 Agenda. It contains a healthy mix of infographics, insights into each of the 17 Global Goals, and essential data illustrating progress and set backs.

The official report can be found now in English, with additional languages coming in the near future:

Additionally, you may want to check out the key messages and fact sheets. The data this report is based on is also available in the Global SDG Database.

The launch event is available for viewing on UN Web TV:

2023 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index

This report by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) explores 10 indicators across Health, Education and Living Standards to paint a more comprehensive picture of global poverty, its causes, and projected changes.

Read the full report, explore the visualizations in the MPI databank, and dig deeper into methodology on the the OPHI website:

You can also view the launch event:

FAO State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023

This report from the Food and Agriculture Organization provides an overview of global progress related to hunger and nutrition. The 2023 assessment finds that while hunger is no longer on the rise, it remains far above pre-COVID-19 levels and we are off track to achieve SDG2 (No Hunger). Malnutrition remains a significant issues and food security has been challenged due to urbanization and conflict.

Read the full report:

Energy Progress Report

Similar to the FAO report outlined above, this report from the International Energy Agency identifies significant challenges to a specific SDG. Despite some recovery observed in the last couple years, SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) is not on track.

Read the full report:

WASH Report

The World Health Organization has released their report on WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), looking back on the last two decades with a specific focus on gender. This document not only provides a snapshot on progress, but is intentional about addressing gender equality with sex-disaggregated numbers for analysis.

The report is available here:

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction

The GAR is widely considered to be the United Nations most important document for assessing risk to the global community. This 2023 report emphasizes the dangers posed by climate change — especially to lower income countries — and outlines the resulting challenges and mitigating actions required to address these concerns. It emphasizes the role the SDGs can play in correcting these concerning trends.

Read the full report:


The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development has rleased their fifth annual statistical report entitled SDG Pulse. It provides an overview of the data and statistics for the Global Goals that UNCTAD is most intimately connected. This year’s report focuses on themes such as multilateralism, development finance, diversification and sustainability/resilience.

An overview of the findings, as well as a link to the full report is available on the UNCTAD website:

World Bank Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals

Less of a report and more of a dashboard, the World Bank’s Atlas of SDGs seeks to help visualize the indicators tracked by the World bank. It provides readers with dynamic visualizations and insights into the findings of some of the globes top experts.

Read more:

SDSN Sustainable Development Report

Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung, have created the SDG Index Dashboard to help provide country and goal specific insights into SDG progress.

The report accompanying this web resource has already been released and helps to shape SDSN’s policies and discussions throughout the HLPF.

Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR)

Where as the SDG Report linked above is an annual document focused on short term topics, the GSDR is released every four years by a team of independent scientists and emphasizes practical solutions for accelerating actions related to the SDGs.

This report will be officially launched in September at the SDG Summit, but an early draft is currently available and being referenced at the HLPF.

More details can be found here:

An advanced copy is also available for review.

Voluntary National Reviews

Each year at the HLPF, the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) serve as countries’ best opportunity to report on their progress and priorities related to implementing the Global Goals. This year 39 countries will present during the HLPF plenary sessions. The documents underlying these presentations are already available on the VNR website:

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SDGCounting is a program of StartingUpGood and tracks the progress of counting and measuring the success of the SDGs.



SDG Counting

Keeping track of progress on trying to count and measure the success of the Sustainable Development Goals.