The Role of AI in Sustainable Development

2024 Science, Technology, and Innovation Forum provides preview of conversations to come at AI for Good Summit

SDG Counting
5 min readMay 22, 2024


The 9th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals is now in the books. It brought participants not only the longest event name imaginable (we will just call it the STI Forum from here), it also brought a wealth of quality content from global leaders and content experts. Particularly fascinating were the insights on how artificial intelligence will shape the SDGs in the coming years. Spoiler alert: we will be walking a delicate balance between opportunities and challenges.

These topics are particularly important as we prepare to cover the most significant sustainable development and technology event of the year: The 2024 AI For Good Summit.

In this article, we break down the most important AI related content from the STI Forum and discuss what it might mean for conversations at the Summit at the end of this month.

The Double Edged Sword of AI Technology

The STI Forum brought not only national representatives, but also industry leaders such as Daniela Braga, the CEO of which focuses on ethically sourced AI training data. In the first day of the forum, Dr. Braga highlighted the incredible power of artificial intelligence for achieving the SDGs while also lamenting some of the wasted opportunities:

When I was looking at how AI can impact the SDGs, I honestly felt ashamed on behalf of the AI industry I helped to build because the big builders of AI, led by the United States, the EU, the UK and China have been mostly focused on winning the AI race between each other rather than really collaborating to address the problems of humankind addressed in the Sustainable Development Goals.

~Daniela Braga, CEO of

This tension between potential and risk was prevalent throughout the forum. Below we explore areas of great opportunity as well as significant risk.

Four Areas where AI Can Advance the SDGs

Experts at the STI Forum highlighted four areas where AI holds significant potential:

Accelerating Climate Action

AI was recognized for its ability to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance environmental protection measures. AI applications, such as improved climate modeling and renewable energy forecasts, were highlighted as crucial tools for rapid de-carbonization and effective climate action.

Educational Tools and Systems

AI’s transformative potential in education was also discussed. Personalized learning experiences and efficient administrative management can revolutionize education systems, making quality education more accessible and inclusive.

AI in Agriculture

The application of AI in agriculture was a recurring theme, emphasizing its potential to enhance farming practices. Predictive analytics in crop and soil management, weather prediction, and pest control can improve yields and reduce environmental impacts, aligning with SDGs focused on hunger and poverty eradication.

Healthcare Innovations

AI’s impact on healthcare was noted, particularly in diagnostics and treatment plans. Personalized healthcare, driven by AI’s data-analyzing capabilities, can expand access to medical services in under-resourced areas, contributing to better health outcomes globally.

Four Challenges AI Presents to Development

Despite its great potential, AI also presents inherent risks. Experts at the STI Forum commented on the following:

Ethical and Social Considerations

The forum emphasized the importance of ethical AI development, with discussions around transparency, privacy, bias, and control. Ensuring AI applications are developed and deployed responsibly is crucial to avoid exacerbating existing disparities.

Digital Inclusion and Infrastructure

Ensuring that AI technologies are inclusive and accessible was a key point. Enhancing digital infrastructure, particularly in the Global South, and supporting educational initiatives to manage and implement AI solutions effectively were highlighted as essential steps.

Gender Disparity in AI

The forum addressed the significant gender disparity in AI, noting that women-founded startups receive a lower percentage of venture capital. Promoting gender equity in AI development is essential to ensure that technological advancements benefit all segments of society.

AI and Data Security

Data security emerged as a critical concern, with calls for policies that ensure the safe and responsible use of AI and data. Ensuring robust data infrastructure and open access to data is crucial for AI advancements.

Conversational Next Steps: AI for Good Global Summit

The insights gathered from the STI Forum highlight the transformative role AI can play in advancing sustainable development. However, realizing this potential is not without its challenges. It requires ongoing dialogue, strategic policy formulation, and robust international cooperation. This sets the stage for the AI for Good Global Summit, a crucial event on our calendars, scheduled to take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 29–31, 2024.

Hosted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and in partnership with 40 UN sister agencies, the Summit aims to catalyze the advancement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through innovative AI solutions.

At the Summit, we anticipate a deep dive into the practical applications and themes of AI that were highlighted at the STI Forum. These discussions are not just theoretical; they are about setting a global agenda, creating actionable strategies, and fostering partnerships that can lead to tangible improvements across the globe.

The AI for Good Global Summit is not just an event; it’s a pivotal platform that brings together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders. It’s where visionary ideas meet practical solutions, and where the global community can rally to ensure that AI serves as a powerful lever for good. We look forward to witnessing and reporting on these dynamic conversations, which will undoubtedly shape the future of AI in sustainable development. Join us as we continue this vital conversation, aiming to harness the full potential of AI for a more equitable and sustainable world.

SDGCounting is a program of StartingUpGood and tracks the progress of counting and measuring the success of the SDGs. Follow us on social media:

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Disclaimer: Generative AI tools such as OpenAI’s GPT and Google’s Gemini were used in the creation of this article to assist with summarization and proof reading.



SDG Counting

Keeping track of progress on trying to count and measure the success of the Sustainable Development Goals.