This week in the #SDGs- December 22, 2016

Our roundup of what we’ve found and what we’ve been reading this week.

SDG Counting
2 min readDec 22, 2016


1. UNDP new report, ‘A Guide to Data Innovation for Development — From idea to proof-of-concept’. A collaboration between UNDP and UN Global Pulse, this report includes guidance and examples of data in action. Focused on data innovation projects, this report visualizes how new forms of data could be used for sustainable development.

2. DKN Future Earth report, ‘The Contribution of Science in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals’. DKN, a German Research committee, along with SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) and other UN and Future Earth initiatives, have come together to present a new report focusing on science and the SDGs. While multiple science & the SDGs reports exist, this report is the latest and most relevant, continuing to build upon the strong research around ways science (including statistics and monitoring) can help the SDGs succeed.

3. Save the Date- 48th Session of the UN Statistical Commission, March 7th-10th, 2017. The official date has been set for the next UN Statistical Commission. Discussions here may continue to include ideas discussed during the World Data Forum in Cape Town in January 2017.



SDG Counting

Keeping track of progress on trying to count and measure the success of the Sustainable Development Goals.