This week in the #SDGs- March 10, 2017 (The 48th Session of the UN Statistical Commission)

Our roundup of what we’ve found and what we’ve been reading this week following the 48th Session of the UN Statistical Commission.

SDG Counting
2 min readMar 10, 2017


The 70th anniversary of the United Nations Statistical Commission came to a close today. The four day session is one of our most anticipated events, and this 48th session was another success: The Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data was endorsed and adopted, and the Global Indicator Framework created by the Inter-Agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal indicators was officially adopted. We expect more analysis and outcome documents to be made available in the coming weeks. Here are the resources we have used this week to catch up.

1.The High Level Political Forum on Official Statistics was held the day before the Statistical Commission began, on March 6th. The forum was an informative and exciting start to a week of SDG and data discussion. We highly recommend watching the UN livestream recording.

2. The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs published a short article detailing the Opening Session of the Commission on Tuesday morning, March 7th. The Commission, for the first time, was able to hold the opening session in the UN General Assembly hall, making for an impressive entrance. The big takeaway: even from the opening remarks, statisticians were calling for the formal adoption of the global indicator framework.

3. You can find recorded webcasts of all UN Statistical Commission sessions here and on Some side events, held in the mornings and afternoons between sessions, were recorded as well. Downloads, concept notes, and even power point presentations of some side events are available here.

4. The current draft resolution, as of March 10th, on ‘ Work of the UN Statistical Commission pertaining to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ is now available in an advanced and unedited form. Further outcome documents and decisions will be made available next week. This draft outlines the adoption of the Global Indicator Framework that took place earlier in the week, and well as the formal adoption of the Cape Town Global Action Plan.



SDG Counting

Keeping track of progress on trying to count and measure the success of the Sustainable Development Goals.