17 Rooms: Accelerating Action on SDG16+

Today I am at 17 Rooms — a Rockefeller/Brookings flagship event which is exploring how to accelerate action for the Sustainable Development Goals.


The format is simple. A room for each goal. A dozen or so thought leaders in each room. And a chance for cross-fertilization between the rooms/goals.

Each room addresses the following questions:

  • What are the game-changers in 2019/2020 that would significantly increase the chances of the success of the room’s SDG by 2030?
  • How can the room’s SDG unlock progress for those working on other goals?
  • And what data, finance, advocacy etc. are needed to underpin success?

I am moderating the discussion in the SDG16 (or SDG16+) room — with a great group of leaders working on peace, justice, and inclusion. Here’s what we’ll be using to get the conversation going. Watch for a report on main findings shortly after the SDG Summit.

Where do we need to accelerate action on SDG16+?



David Steven
Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies

International relations, global risks, & resilience. Also Pakistan, Nigeria. Find me at: Center on International Cooperation, NYU; River Path; Global Dashboard.