An Ode To A Yachtsman

Whye Waite
Sea Stories
Published in
Nov 17, 2023

The love of the sea

Photo by Ricardo Pérez-Saravia

His gender, not splayed by male or female, simply, a Yatchsman.

Large or small, his craft matters not, for He, is a Yachtsman.

Wrinkles, chiseled deep by the brisk salt spray, a wry smile appears.

Nose turned upward, nostrils flare, lungs fill with life.

Squinted eyes gaze at her vastness, clues appear.

Will she reward or will she taketh? He ponders.

A whale’s spout, a dolphin’s fin, surely a sign.

Respect for her, respect indeed as she cares not.

Her breath, a heaving gale screaming amongst the rigging.

Perhaps a gentle beam reach, diamonds sparkle as she sways to and fro.

A gentle turn of the rudder.

To the sea, to the sea, for He, is a Yachtsman.



Whye Waite
Sea Stories

Humorous, sometimes serious, sailing stories, and inspirational life lessons from an old sea salt