Digital Product Design Agency Services

Heather White
SeaLab Life
Published in
7 min readMar 2, 2020

Answering the important question: “What can SeaLab do for ME?”

SeaLab federally trademarked logo with colorful mascot squid Cal on the left of SeaLab

SeaLab is ranked as one of the Best Website Design Companies For Small Business Of 2020

Comprehensive List of Services

As a full services digital product design company that’s been around since 2014, we have experience with end to end product design all the way from start to end, concept to creation, doodles to implementation.

“But… what services do you actually offer as a digital product design service agency?”

If you’re looking for the answer to the above question, you’re in the right place; we’ve pulled together a fully detailed list of our services and how they connect to each other to help answer that question! Whether you’ve got a very specific visual design need or are looking for something larger and more process-oriented and abstract, this list will better explain where we can help. We’ve tried to include and explain everything as detailed as possible, but don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions, would like help with something not on this list, or even want referrals for other shops; we’ve got vetted design and development partners who we’d be happy to connect you with if we aren’t the agency you need.

Off-center tilted close up of a custom illustration for enterprise client

Branding & Marketing

You may be surprised to discover that branding, user experience, and marketing are tied very closely together. This is because looking at the full user experience of a company or brand means looking at the big picture, including not only the digital presence for your product or service (such as a website or application) but your messaging itself, how users found you, and how customers and potential customers feel about your brand and/or company before, during, and after they come in contact with you. As part of these projects and this process, we have experience and expertise in the following areas of branding and marketing:

Logo and branding design and redesign including iconography, typography, color choices and more

Color theory and predictions for messaging and marketing (including moodboard creation, persona creation, etc)

Style guide, component library and design system creation, analysis, maintenance, and consultation (and helping navigate between the differences of each and how to grow into one or the other)

Maintaining branding consistency across multiple platforms:

  • fully responsive websites across mobile, tablet and desktop, applications, email branding, presentations, printed posters, stickers, pencils, and more!)
top down view of marker created information architecture exploration for the content model of IBM’s Teacher Advisor

Business Strategy & Goal Setting

The largest goal of user experience strategy and general product design is finding the perfect balance between what the user needs, what the business needs, and what the technological constraints are. This means we have experience not only collecting, analysing, and understanding these larger goals at the business level, but also converting this information into visualizations (such as charts and roadmaps) to help with strategizing and planning for longer term business goals and overall strategy:

Competitive analysis and competitive landscaping

Marketing research tactics such as:

  • Formative & summative marketing research
  • Web analytics analysis
  • Surveys & questionnaires creation and analysis
  • Literature review
  • Demographics creation & analysis

Experience mapping and event mapping (as-is and desired)

Use case creation and maintenance to track ongoing goals and keep sprints focused and dedicated

Storyboarding and “blue sky” concept creation (what is our target experience and how do we define success?)

Screenshot of a quick A/B test created for SeaLab landing page purposes showing user results and the questions asked

User Research & Usability Testing

To define the success of any project and improve on what exists today, researching and defining where things stand currently is a must and a huge part of digital product design. This includes lots of different components with not just data collection methods for qualitative and quantitative research but also analyzing and conceptualizing this data in an easily digestible format to help provide guidance and direction for the product/company going forward:

Quantitative research (answering quantifiable questions that can be charted and documented and measured such as age of your target demographic)

Qualitative research (more exploratory in nature — used to gain an understanding of underlying questions, opinions, and motivations such as “why” a user might want to use your product or service)

User testing tactics such as:

  • Persona creation & analysis
  • Web analytics analysis
  • Surveys & questionnaires collecting both qualitative and quantitative results (such as surveys, A/B testing, interviews, and more)
  • Observational research

Clear research documentation

Creating user flow diagrams

black and white wireframe components for client TreeHouse

Low-Fidelity Iterative Design Creation

Once success has been defined and research collected, a typical digital product design project will then involve a low-fidelity iterative creation cycle. This means focusing on visualization for understanding using speed rather than polish. Deliverables in this step differ from project to project but can be anything from doodles, sketches, virtual wireframes, collage, etc to get the point across visually and test understanding before spending time fine-tuning. The types of deliverables and projects we have experience in during this part of the process are:

Rapid iteration & rapid prototyping and user testing with low-fidelity designs

Responsive design : graceful degradation and progressive enhancement across all screen sizes. (did you know SeaLab is ranked as a Top Responsive Website Design Company Of 2020?)

Storyboarding (communicating goal interactions and reactions at specific touch points through visual story telling)

Sketching user interface flows, logos, information architecture and more (pencil and paper, whiteboard, digitally and more)

Wireframing user interfaces and use case flows (black and white or our iconic blueprint style)

Fully responsive system creation from mobile to desktop and respective grids and breakpoints

Understanding and conceptualizing information architecture

high-fidelity deliverables created for TreeHouse’s tablet project

High-Fidelity Design Creation & Prototyping

Low-fidelity designs are a form of formative research, rapidly iterating and continuing to test based on current understanding. The goal of the low-fidelity is to rapidly create and find a solution so we can arrive here — at the final stages of high-fidelity design where we polish up our creations and spend time on the details with confidence. Now we can focus on adding the sparkle and shine and make sure all our research leads to a beautiful, usable, and (if we did everything right) desirable digital product:

Style guide creation and management

Component Library creation and management

Design System creation and management

Custom created illustrations, logos, hand-lettering, and icons

Finalized user interface(s) and flows in static and interactive formats

Marketing asset creation (hero images, banners, social media images, photography of final product, etc)

“White label” product design (creating interfaces and visual designs with multiple palette or customization options to be tailored for other clients and logos — B2B products)

Landing pages and websites (static, e-commerce, healthcare, banking, startups etc)

Mobile, tablet, and desktop applications (native, web, and hybrid interfaces)

overlapping examples of deliverables and components cut up and broken down into CSS, height, padding, etc.

Hand-off & Implementation Support

Of course after all the build-up comes the extremely necessary part of actually delivering our creations in a way that can be picked up and used by your team without a hitch: taking all our research and creating high-fidelity deliverables and designs:

Developer-ready deliverables (@1x and @2x images, fully responsive grids and breakpoints defined, CSS details and more as needed

Quality assurance services ongoing or as-needed (from being a part of Slack communities during implementation to helping create and manage tickets in JIRA, github, or other systems of preference, to providing checkpoints and user testing beyond hand-off).

Retrospectives and Testimonial gathering (collecting feedback from clients to improve process)

Case study creation and review (we offer link-backs to our clients on go-live from our case studies)

Example of a flow created for a client to imagine user interface and progression through the app.


If you would like more information or have any questions on this list, don’t hesitate to set up a call with us through our CEO’s calendar link, or feel free to sign up for our newsletter below for additional information and announcements — We’d be happy to let you know whether or not we’re the shop for you and your endeavor!

SeaLab is ranked as one of the Top Web Design Companies Of 2021 by Design Rush



Heather White
SeaLab Life

Founder and Chief Creative Officer of SeaLab in Austin, TX. Creator. Dreamer. Traveller. Send me stickers