SeaLab LLC Washes Away the Competition by Listening to Customers

Heather White
SeaLab Life
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2020

We’re sure you’ve heard the phrase, “The customer knows best,” time and time again. You probably heard it at your first job, and you’ll probably hear it at your last. In fact, you may have heard it so many times that you roll your eyes at the cliché phrase.

Anchorman gif: “What did you say”?

But get ready, because we’re here to say it one more time loud and proud for the people in the back!

It’s 2020 and guess what? The customer STILL knows best, and you need to listen to what they have to say.

It doesn’t matter how hard you work, the quality of the products you create, or the creativity of your ideas if you can’t meet your clients’ needs. Listening to your clients and maintaining communication throughout a project not only helps guide project goals from start to finish, but also helps streamline the efficiency of a successful collaboration.

We’re extremely proud that our team at SeaLab was recently recognized for our ability to do just that — give our clients and their users what they want and need quickly, efficiently, and (if we do say so ourselves) beautifully.

In our most recent review, while we’re extremely happy with our design deliverables and overall project results, our partners wanted to voice how impressed they were specifically by our communication skills and turnaround time.

Screen capture of SeaLab LLC’s 5 star reviews on for working on project

Clutch is a B2B platform that helps clients find the perfect vendor for upcoming projects by releasing verified reviews. In each of these reviews, you can see details about a project we’ve worked on, our team’s strengths and, yes, even where we can improve.

Tina Belcher is most definitely a gold star.

With two verified 5 Star reviews on our profile, you can see that we’ve gotten pretty good at delivering exactly what our clients ask for and we do so in a timely manner.

In the most recent project featured on our profile for, we tackled a challenge revolving around UX/UI design for an enterprise SaaS provider (you can read all about the case study here). We not only fully imagined, designed, and created the design system for the initial MVP from scratch, but we also created and integrated the new company’s branding in parallel.

Within a tight deadline of a few short months, we were able to deliver an engaging UX/UI design with positive feedback from users just in time for VMWorld. When asked about our collaboration, our partners commented on how we stand out from other providers:

“The communication between our teams went really well — especially the quick turnaround they provided. I’ve worked with other companies that aren’t local like they are, and the communication gap was large with those other companies, especially with something as subtle as UX/UI work.”

Screen capture of SeaLab LLC’s 5 star reviews on for working on project TopeDecked.

You can find out more about how we blow the competition “out of the water” by visiting Clutch’s other business resource sites. The Manifest connects businesses by providing lists of top agencies in your area, while Visual Objects displays portfolios of leading experts in a variety of industries, like UX.

Looking for a design partner? Today’s the day! You can reach us here.



Heather White
SeaLab Life

Founder and Chief Creative Officer of SeaLab in Austin, TX. Creator. Dreamer. Traveller. Send me stickers