Falling at First Sight (Lory series Part 2)

Three weeks after a one night stand, do these two strangers find love?

Lady D
Sealed by a Kiss
8 min readJun 28, 2020


Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/love-relationship-ice-fire-749677/

Can Lory and Luke stay away from each other like Lory wants or will they fall deeper into each other?

I climb on top of him as he lies on his back, looking into his beautiful hazel eyes. His dick grows in his boxers underneath me. Not able to keep his hands off of me, he rubs them up my naked skin. From my hips, up my torso, and lands on my breast. I let out a moan as his fingers lightly circle my nipples. I rub my ass and pussy on his dick through his boxers. I can tell he is coming to his breaking point. He throws me on my back and lifts my legs above his head. Just as his tongue presses to my pussy —

Mom: Lorelei! Are you still asleep?

Not again! It’s been three weeks since I had that one night stand with Luke. Why can’t I get him out of my head?

Lory: Yes, I was still sleeping and would like to sleep in on my day off mom!

Mom: You are not too old for me to spank you, Lorelei!

Lory: I think I am, mom, I’m 32.

Mom: I know how old you are! Just get up and get dressed! We are having brunch with my new boy toy and his children in an hour.

Lory: Can he really be a boy toy if he has older children?

Mom: Are you calling me old Lorelei? Because we are the same age, he and I.

Lory: Ok! I’ll get dressed! You don’t have to lead this conversation to blackmail me!

Mom: You know me so well! Hurry now!

In the car on our way to Nancy’s, which is apparently David’s favorite restaurant, I ask my mom a few questions about this guy.

Lory: So, I know his name is David, what are his children’s names?

Mom: He has three children, Lucas, the oldest, Christopher, and Sienna, the youngest.

Lory: Sienna, why does that name sound so familiar?

Mom: I don’t know, she’s much younger than you, so you couldn’t have gone to school together.

Lory: Oh well, it’s fine, I guess I’ll see if I know her when we get there. Maybe she is a frequent customer at the shop.

We pull up to Nancy’s and there is a very good looking older guy standing at the door waving at my mom and I. There is another guy, I’m assuming is his son, standing next to him.

Mom: Hi David! You must be Lucas? Handsomeness sure runs in this family.

David: Hi Kimberly, this is actually Christopher. We call him Chris for short.

Chris: Hi Ms. Kimberly, Lorelei. It’s nice to finally meet you. My dad talks about you both all the time!

My mom blushes like a teenage girl. I look over to David, who is just as smitten with my mom as she is with him. I smile.

Lory: Hi, nice to meet you both.

David: Sorry that it is just the two of us right now. I am certain Lucas and Sienna will join us shortly. Why don’t we sit inside and wait for them?

Throughout the conversations between me, my mom, David, and Chris, I learn that Lucas and Sienna were adopted by David as babies as he couldn’t have children. Chris was a miracle child and Sienna was adopted when he and his late wife couldn’t conceive again after Chris. I also learn that David and my mom met at grief counseling years ago when both of their spouses passed. The conversations continue until the other two finally show up.

Lucas walks in with Sienna. I and my moms back are towards the door.

Luke: Hi dad! Sorry, we’re late. Sienna couldn’t find anything to wear.

Chills flow down my spine as that low, deep voice reaches my ears. My pussy betrays me with its wetness. My heart is pumping really fast, as I hope it is not THE Luke I met three weeks ago. Of course, I’ve seen him a few times after that night with him trying to persist in getting to know me better, but I always turn him down. This is going to be so embarrassing.

Dad: I expected this already, which is why I ordered something for you both about fifteen minutes ago. All of our food should be here shortly.

Luke: Hi you must be Ms. …

Sienna: *Whispers* Luke, say something.

Luke: Sorry, you must be Ms. Kimberly. Hi, nice to meet you.

Mom: Lucas and Sienna, so lovely to finally meet you both too. This is my daughter Lorelei.

Sienna: Yes, I know her. She —

Luke: *Bumps her side with his elbow* We have seen her at the boutique a few times.

Sienna rolls her eyes. My mom is eyeing me as I shy away from all potential glances from Luke’s family. I tell myself that everything is fine and to just pretend that night never happened. I can be cordial with him. Time to put my big girl pants on and say something.

Lory: Hi, yes that’s where I remember you from. Nice to see you both again.

Luke: Can I talk to you outside Lorelei? I, um, want to discuss something about something I can get as a gift to a friend.

Lory: Um, how about you stop by the shop to discuss it there? Today isn’t about business but family.

The dinner went by without a hitch until.

Lory: It was really nice to meet you all. I am just going to go to the restroom before we all head out. So, I hope to see you all again.

Sienna: I’ll go with you. I have to use the restroom as well.

I hope she really just has to go to the restroom and not to talk to me about anything. We head off to the restroom and she stops me once we are inside.

Sienna: What is your problem? My brother told me about how you are treating him.

Lory: I really don’t want to talk about this. Whatever this is, is between me and Luke.

Sienna: It’s not though. When you hurt my brother, you hurt me! We may not be blood but he is my brother and I will kill for him!

Lory: I don’t think it’s that serious.

Sienna: I’m not saying I will kill you. You get what I’m trying to say? But keep hurting him and I WILL hurt you.

She walks out of the restroom as if nothing happened. I’m a little shaken, and don’t feel the urge to use the restroom anymore, so, I walk out and bump right into someone with broad shoulders. I look up and into those big hazel eyes that I have been dreaming about.

Luke: I’m sorry for whatever my sister said or did in there. I wish I could have come in and stopped her.

Lory: It’s fine. Just stop talking to her about me and stop trying to get with me. What happened was a mistake. I shouldn’t have let it go that far.

Luke: But you did! I mean WE did. I didn’t mean for it to go that far either but, I couldn’t stop the chemistry and I still can’t. I know you feel it.

Lory: I — I… I don’t feel it, so you should just stop.

Luke: I don’t believe you and I won’t stop trying until I can’t feel the chemistry between us.

His words are melting me right where I stand. I can’t let this continue, or I will end up in his bed again.

He pours out all of his emotions to me and I am now in his car talking to him because I can’t walk away. No man has ever poured his emotions out to me before.

Luke: I’m sorry. I’ve never felt this kind of chemistry with anyone.

Lory: I haven’t either, but I’ve been hurt before too much to give my heart or time to another man.

Luke: Whatever it is tell me and I will promise not to do it. I just want to see what this is between us. I know you can’t keep me out of your head.

Lory: Why? Because you can’t keep me out of yours?

Luke: I keep replaying that night in my head and it makes me want you even more. I’m hard now just looking at you and am thinking about taking you right here, right now.

I try to hide my blush because that is all I want right now too. I can’t let that happen again. Then all of a sudden he kisses me.

Luke: I can’t help but kiss you when you blush like that.

Lory: We are not having sex!

Luke: That escalated quickly. I might be thinking about having sex with you, but I won’t because of what happened last time. However, I see you are thinking about having sex with me.

That smirk again! My panties are soaked at this point and I want him so bad that I can’t think straight again. I pull his face to mine and kiss him deeply. His tongue forces through my lips. I rub my hands down from his face to his wide chest on my pursuit to his dick. As I get to his bellybutton, where his big dick stands, he grabs my hands to stops me from touching it.

Luke: I can’t do this with you again. I want to so badly, but I want to get to know you so that you feel comfortable with me and not run out on me again.

Lory: Don’t you want me?

Luke: I do so much you don’t understand. If I kiss you or let you touch my dick, I won’t be able to stop myself from fucking you senseless in this car, right now.

I come back to my senses and am immediately embarrassed by the way I act around him. I jump out of his car and into mine. I struggle to put the key into the ignition as he runs after me to my car. I insert the key and put my car in drive and speed away.

I arrive at home still thinking about what happened and the things he could have done to my body. It’s like he’s a drug and I am addicted. I want to go and take a long hot shower, so I throw my clothes off and head to the upstairs shower near my room. Still thinking about him, my pussy becomes wet again with a pulse that only he can stop. I get in the shower, rubbing my hands all over my body. First my breast, up my neck, down my sides and torso, until finally, I reach my pussy. I play with my clit with one hand while the other is driving inside my pussy. I imagine Luke driving his dick inside me until I cum all over the shower floor.

What did Liam do to hurt Lory so much? Will she ever give Luke a chance? Keep reading my stories to find out!



Lady D
Sealed by a Kiss

I am what I call an unorthodox blogger. I like to write short stories from any genre, poems, and food recipes. Follow me if you like various options.