Falling At First Sight (Lory Series Part 3)
Lory finally comes clean about Liam to Luke. Will this ruin their already non-existent relationship?
Lory tells Luke everything about Liam. Is it too much information? Will this push Luke away?
I never expected to be face-to-face with Luke again, but here I am again. It’s been three days since I ran away from him. For some reason, I cannot stop thinking about him. I want him so bad that I asked him out to dinner tonight.
Lory: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.
Luke: I’m just happy you finally want to talk to me. I just hope there isn’t a problem.
He looks down at my stomach as he says that. I shoot daggers at him with my eyes.
Lory: That would not be a problem, it would be a miracle! Babies are the best thing that can happen to two people!
Luke: I didn’t mean it like that, Lory. I just meant I don’t want you to have only called me because of that. I really want to get to know you but you keep pushing me away.
Lory: Well, I’m not pregnant. I just wanted to have dinner with you because I can’t seem to get you out of my head. We should just do this and get it over with so I can get you out of my system.
Luke: Damn. What did he do to you? I will not be a friend with benefits. If we are doing anything it will be a relationship with intentions of a future.
Lory: I don’t believe you. Guys only say what they think we want to hear to get in our pants.
Luke: I was already in yours. If that’s all I wanted, I would be gone.
He has a point but I can’t let him know that so I just roll my eyes.
Luke: Look, if we are going to continue this dinner and a relationship, tell me what happened. If we are not doing any of those, then I will leave right now.
Lory: I — I…
Luke: You what? Just tell me so you and I can get over it. I will do all I can to protect you from it happening again.
I gulp as I contemplate telling him. I create a pro and cons list quickly in my head. If I tell him:
Pros: He can help me get over it, we can have all the sex we want, I might have a good relationship
Cons: He might use it against me, he could use it to keep me as a friend with benefits (I guess that isn’t too bad), I might catch feelings
I end up with the same amount of pros and cons so I make my decision based on being friends with benefits. I just cannot catch feelings.
Luke: Lory? You dazed out on me.
Lory: Sorry. I’ll tell you but you have to promise to never use it against me.
Luke: I promise. And I am the type of man to keep a promise.
Lory: Well, here’s what happened.
I was in high school when I met Liam. He was the most handsome guy I’d ever seen. He was athletic, artistic, and was really funny, all of the things I liked in a guy. He never noticed me though. I was the girl with glasses and braces that everyone made fun of. Until one day I had my vision corrected and braces removed.
Liam: Hi, are you new here?
Lory: No, I’ve been here since freshman year. We were in the same homeroom for three years.
Liam: Wow, I’m surprised I never noticed you. You are the prettiest girl here for sure!
I blush and rub my hands across my cheeks so he can’t see me blush. He smiles and those blue eyes of his sparkle.
Liam: Let’s hang out tonight. We can go see a movie and head to my place for pizza. What do you think?
Lory: Sure! I’d love that!
I’d been waiting on this day since the first time I laid eyes on him.
The day we had was so much fun watching a scary movie and having pizza afterward. Can you believe he didn’t remember my name until our third date? Anyways, we spent the next three years together in what was the most amazing relationship ever. That was when I decided it was time to let him have all of me. I gave him my virginity.
Liam: I’m going back to my dorm room. Do you want to come with me?
Lory: Yes, but let me stop by my dorm and grab something and I’ll head over.
Liam: Okay, see you soon.
I went to my dorm, put on that new sexy lingerie I had just bought for this moment, and walked to his dorm with an easy access dress.
Knock knock
Liam: Hi babe.
Lory: Hi.
Liam: Why are you acting so nervous? I ordered us takeout.
I try to deflect.
Lory: What did you order?
Liam: Chinese. I got you the sesame seed chicken.
Lory: Thanks, Liam! I love you so much.
Liam: Mhm. You too.
Knock knock
Liam: The Chinese is finally here!
We finish eating and that’s when I try to put on the charm. I kiss him, tugging on his bottom lip with my teeth. He pushes his tongue into my mouth. We kiss like this for a while and then he rubs his hands across my butt pulling me into his lap. I deepen the kiss as I push my breasts into his chest. I feel him get hard underneath me. I pull his shirt off.
Liam: Are you sure you want this?
Lory: Yes.
He throws me over onto my back. Then he slips my dress above my waist and stops.
Lory: Why did you stop?
Staring at my panties, he throws my dress off revealing the full set of lingerie. He licks his lips and plants kisses down my body from my neck to my chest, stopping to pull my bra to the side and suck my nipple, then continuing down my belly and to my pussy. He kisses my pussy through the panties and then pulls them off. He captures my pussy with his mouth as I let out a moan. He skillfully sucks my clit and watches me as I cum in his mouth. He pulls my bra off and turns me on my stomach with my ass up.
Lory: Please be gentle.
He puts on a condom and slowly pushes into me. Once the pain passes, I am filled with ecstasy as I scream and moan.
Lory: Faster, Liam! It feels so good!
He pushes into me faster and faster until he cums. I fall onto my stomach when I notice he is finished. He lies next to me and we both fall asleep.
We continue having sex for another two years. That’s when I found out the truth about Liam.
Lory: Can I borrow your phone, Liam? For some reason, mine isn’t working.
Liam: Yea here.
I go to the text messages to send my mom a text. I stop before I even hit compose. Who is Stephanie? My heart is beating extremely fast. I look through the text messages between him and Stephanie. Some messages go all the way back to graduation from high school. He’s been having sex with her and inviting her to sleep in his bed that he was having sex with me in! I found out he’d even asked her to marry him. I sit there on the verge of tears, while he plays his video games, looking through his phone. I find emails, texts, and lewd pictures of her on his phone. What really breaks me is that there is a picture of him proposing to her. We talked about getting married all the time but he never even intended to marry me. He wanted to keep me as the side chick when I was there first! I bawled right then and there. He turns around and immediately stands to start running towards me.
Liam: Why are you going through my phone! You were just supposed to text or call your mom!
Lory: Have you been cheating on me through our whole relationship?
Liam: It’s really not what it looks like. Those are all fake. We are just friends and like to play like that!
Lory: Stop lying to me! You were going to marry her? Why not me? Why wouldn’t you marry me?
Liam: I do want to marry you! She means nothing to me! Really, it’s true! Marry me now? We can go to a chapel and elope right now!
Lory: Stop it, Liam! I can’t believe you would do this to me! You have wasted five years of my life!
I start to leave but he grabs my arm very aggressively.
Liam: You are not leaving me!
Lory: Liam, let me go! You are hurting me!
He doesn’t let go. Instead, he holds on harder. He has never been an aggressive guy, so this surprises me.
Lory: Liam!
He pulls me closer to him and kisses me as if his life depends on it. I turn my head away, afraid of what he is thinking. As he holds my arm with one hand his free hand roams my body. I freeze, as he finds my pussy. I regain composure and slowly reach for the vase next to me. I smash it across his head. When he lets me go I run out the door, not bothering to grab anything, and only stop when I reach a convenience store.
Lory: Hi can I use your phone, please?
Cashier: Sure, honey. Here you are.
Ring ring
911 operator: 911 what’s your emergency.
Lory: I smashed a vase over my ex-boyfriends' head, he may be hurt. His address is 861 Polind St.
911 operator: Can you tell me why you smashed a vase over his head?
Lory: He tried to rape me.
911 operator: Okay can you tell me where you are? The police will need to speak with you.
I tell her that I am at the convenience store and wait for them to find me there. I talk to them and realize that he told a completely different story. He pressed charges against me for assault and I had to pay a fine! They say I should be thankful because it was my first offense, or otherwise I would have had jail time.
Lory: They spun the whole story like I was the crazy ex who was upset because he was getting married!
Luke: Wow, that is crazy. I understand you so much better now.
Lory: I’m sorry. I’ve spent the whole dinner talking about Liam.
Luke: It’s fine. I asked what happened and I really wanted to know. I do have a question though.
Lory: What is it? I hope you don’t think I’m crazy.
Luke: No, I don’t think you’re crazy. Have you had sex with anyone else after Liam, other than me?
Lory: I tried it again with a guy after Liam and he didn’t call me back afterward, so I swore off of men and sex. Well, until you.
Wow! What a crazy story about Lory! Knowing all of this will Luke still try to be with Lory or will he bolt? Can Lory get over what happened with Liam and the one night stand to even give Luke a chance? Keep reading my stories to find out!