The Girl Inside

Will Janine cheat on Ashton for the sex she has always dreamed of or will she suffer from bland sex for the rest of her life?

Lady D
Sealed by a Kiss
7 min readJul 18, 2020



Janine is presented with the opportunity she has been waiting on, sex of the wildest imaginations. Is it too bad that she accepted to marry Ashton?

Ashton: Janine is the perfect girl for me. She is nice, reserved, and shy. Just the type of girl I need in my life. I will lead our family well with her as my wife.

Mrs. Thomas: So this means you can control her right? Your father doesn’t need any bad publicity.

Ashton: Yes mom, I think I can control her.

Mrs. Thomas: I don’t need you to think!

Ashton: I can control her.

Ashton and I have been dating for 2 years. Our relationship is fine. I feel comfortable in this relationship but I’m not happy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not unhappy either, I just want more. Our sex life is not the best. All he wants is to be on top of me. He doesn’t ever want to try any other positions. Ashton was my first, but I watch porn! I know that there is more and I really want to try it. I can’t tell him that though because I’m so dang shy!

Blaze: Hi, what is such a beautiful lady doing sitting alone during lunchtime?

Janine: Oh! Hi! I’m actually waiting for my best friends to get here.

Blaze: My name is Blaze. Let’s exchange numbers.

Janine: I have a boyfriend.

I keep forgetting that I am now his fiancée since he asked me to marry him yesterday.

Blaze: That doesn’t mean we can’t be in contact with each other.

Janine: I guess that’s okay.

We exchange numbers as one of my best friends runs up to the table.

Alaina: Hi Janny!

I watch Blaze walk away.

Alaina: Janny?

Janine: Oh! Alaina, hi. Sorry.

Alaina: Why were staring at him like that? Better yet, who WAS that?

Janine: I don’t know.

Patricia: Hi ladies! Long time no see!

Janine and Alaina: Pat! Hi!

Patricia: I saw Denise parking her car, so let’s wait before we start talking about anything important.

Denise: Hi girls. What was so important that I had to take today off?

Janine: I’m getting married.

They all look at me in surprise.

Denise: I was hoping you were going to finally say you broke up with Ashton. He is too controlling Jan, why can’t you see that?

Alaina: Denny! Stop!

Patricia: I agree with Denise. I don’t think you should marry him.

Alaina: Pat!

Janine: I know but I love him guys!

Denise: Do you love him or do you just feel safe with him? Like, he’s a safe choice?

Janine: Can you guys just be supportive for once? I wanted you all to take off because I need you to help me plan my wedding and pick a wedding dress. We’re getting married next month.

Denise: That soon!?

Patricia: Yeah, why so fast?

Janine: Because we love each other!

Patricia: Okay, we’ll help but we still don’t think you should do this.

For the remainder of the lunch, we discuss wedding plans and then head to a wedding shop to pick a dress. By the end of the day, I’m exhausted and flop down into our queen-sized bed.

Janine: Where is Ashton?


Blaze: Hi Janine. I was happy to meet u 2day. Let’s grab coffee 2morrow over lunch.

Janine: Sure! Which coffee shop do u wanna meet @?


Blaze: There is a nice coffee shop under my apartment that sells really good coffee. Come to 365 Largo Ln. See u 2morrow at 12.

Why is my heart beating so fast? It’s just coffee and I’m getting married next month. I love Ashton! I do! I will marry him!

Cashier: Hi, how can I help you?

Janine: Can I have a black eye with whipped cream on top?

Cashier: Okay. Your name, please?

Janine: Janine.

Cashier: It’ll be right up.

I grab my coffee and find a nice table with a view of outside.

Blaze: Apparently you like getting to places early.

Janine: Hi Blaze. It’s a habit now. My boyfriend gets upset when I’m late.

Blaze: You seem like a very meek girl. I can bring what you really want out of you.

I blush and look away quickly.

Janine: What do you mean?

Blaze: Come with me and I’ll show you.

I try to force myself to stay seated but I soon realize that my feet are walking up the steps to his apartment. We get inside and he offers me a drink.

Blaze: You want to be a cocktail girl but I’m going to give you a beer.

Janine: What do you mean I want to be a cocktail girl?

Blaze: You want to be girly for your boyfriend but really you just want a beer. I am a good reader of people.

Janine: I’ll take the beer.

Blaze: That’s a good girl. Tell me, what else do you want?

Janine: I — I don’t want anything else.

Blaze: Be honest with me and yourself. I won’t bite unless you ask me to.

I blush thinking about all of the things I wish I could do with him but can’t because I’m getting married to Ashton. But, I still find myself opening my mouth to tell him.

Janine: I just want to be the one who is dominating. Ashton only does it in one position, missionary every time.

Blaze: Then dominate me. Tell me what you want me to do.

I look at him with his muscular body and wonder if I could actually dominate him. I laugh, knowing that that is impossible.

Blaze: It doesn’t matter if I’m bigger than you. You can dominate me. Come with me to my room, if you will.

Janine: Okay.

The word slips out of my mouth before I can think this through. I walk into his room, which seems perfectly normal at first glance. Then, I notice chains under his bed with handcuffs hanging out at the bottom and the top. On his wall, I see a hook with some kind of rope hanging off of it.

Blaze: What do you want me to do? I have more things than you can see. Name it, I have it.

Janine: Remove your clothes.

I am astounded by my words, I have never been this bold. He removes his clothes slowly, revealing his chiseled chest with a six-pack, then his muscular legs with a bulge in his boxers, and finally his huge dick falling as his boxers drop to the floor. I stare at his perfect body.

Janine: Come here, let me touch you.

He walks over to me very seductively. When he reaches me, I touch his chest and abs. Then I become even bolder as I push him down on the bed. I drop onto the bed to straddle him, my wet panties touching his dick.

Janine: Take off my dress.

He sits up with me still straddling him and lifts my dress over my head. He then unclips my bra revealing my breast and hard nipples. He licks his lips as he reaches up to touch my breast.

Janine: Stop. I didn’t tell you to touch me.

He drops his hands quickly. I realize then that he is giving me all of the control I’ve ever wanted.

Janine: I should punish you for trying to touch me.

Blaze: There is a whip in the top drawer. Choose whichever you like.

Janine: Stay there exactly as you are now. Don’t move.

I look in the top drawer. It’s full of whips. I choose a long, black one with a star on the end. Then I walk back over to him and run the star down his chest, to his stomach, and stop at his dick.

Janine: Turn over.

He does as I ask. I pop him once and hear and deep, throaty moan from him. It turns me on even more, so I pop him again. That moan, again.

Janine: Get up.

I lie on the bed where he just moved from. He looks me up and down.

Janine: Take off my panties.

He slowly removes my panties as I lift my back off of the bed. Once my panties are off I pull his head to my pussy. He licks and sucks my clit with skill. I am cumming all over his sheets before I know it. I can tell from the way he looks at me that he wants something in return.

Janine: What do you want me to do?

Blaze: No, you are in control. Is there anything else I can do to please you?

Janine: Really? I can tell you want to take control.

Blaze: Only if that’s what you want me to do. Otherwise, I am your sex slave today.

I am shocked by his words. No one has ever given me this much control over their bodies. I don’t know what to do with this control.

Janine: I want you to tie me up with the chains under your bed and do whatever you want with me.

Blaze: As you wish.

He handcuffs my ankles and wrists. With my legs and arms all at different ends of the bed, I am spread wide open for all to see. I see him walk over to the drawer again. He goes into the third one and pulls out a blindfold. He covers my eyes as he brings me to ecstasy with his fingers, his tongue, and his huge dick.

Keep reading to find out what happens with Janine, Blaze, and Ashton.



Lady D
Sealed by a Kiss

I am what I call an unorthodox blogger. I like to write short stories from any genre, poems, and food recipes. Follow me if you like various options.