Database Administration- What it Entails

Agbojo Raphael
Seamfix Engineering
4 min readApr 29, 2019

Today, the Database Administrators (DBA) team is considered an imperative part of numerous- if not every- organization worldwide, as the roles’ necessity continually grows, becoming invaluable as well as crucial.

Here’s what the role entails…

As a database administrator (DBA), your job is to handle tasks involving database management systems, such as the creation of databases, database performance and maintenance. Basically, a database administrator should ensure databases in his care are always up and running.

Beyond that, you need full knowledge of the data architecture, strategy, design and schemas of each database; be well abreast of the structure, constraints, and all the tables in the database.

Ownership is a key attribute a database administrator must have. You must learn to treat data as a subject, fathom the data, and the many ways in which the data can be transformed into metadata for use in the company.

Being knowledgeable in an assortment of technologies beyond databases is one of the many skills you must acquire. An example is learning how to work with reporting tools. As a DBA, you need to be willing to learn and reinvent yourself as databases evolve.

What ‘Data’ should mean to a DBA…

In simple terms, data is a piece of information. Craig S. Mullins went further with his definition describing data as “…the driver of the information age.”

As a DBA, you must understand the importance of managing data. The company’s data has been entrusted to you to store, process and convert into useful information. These data must be subject to rigorous scrutiny, implying that the database administrator must create security policies for the data being stored in the database.

The flow of data in and out of the database must be monitored. The data must be given jealous attention because without data there wouldn’t be need for databases, and without databases, there wouldn’t be need for Database Administrators.

This is why as a Database Administrator, you can’t prescind yourself from data.

Let’s talk about Work…

At work

Working at Seamfix has been such a journey. It is my second shot at being in the labor market, this time with wider experience. As a Database Administrator in Seamfix, you are shouldered with the responsibility of managing databases across key projects.

Working alongside great teammates have helped me fathom what it truly means when people say Together Everyone Achieves More (T.E.A.M).

Given the nature of the work, the schedule is as expected — demanding. A “ball of fire” as I always like to refer to myself, I see the pressure as a good thing. I perceive it as an opportunity to grow, learn and be well-versed.

As a database administrator, your level of flexibility must be at its peak. One of the many skills you must develop is to multi-task as you will be working across various databases such as — Oracle, Postgres, MongoDB using tools including SQL developer, PG Admin, Robo3T, Compass etc. It is expected that as a database administrator, you are able to juggle these tools and databases.

The DBA team works in collaboration with almost all the sections in Seamfix.

In the earlier sections, I discussed who a Database Administrator is, and what Data is about. Each day as I work, I have been drawn closer to what it entails in its entirety.

I have learned to be swift in delivering on tasks emanating from different departments and individuals as well as taking “ex abundante cautela”, meaning, taking excessive caution.

Always take time out to read…

Taking time out to read is something I take pleasure in doing. As there is little or no time to do this during work hours, I use my time on the road — to and fro work — to do so.

Database administration is a service. From managing databases, checking its uptime and downtime, monitoring the size growth, ensuring it is up and running, hence, ensuring workflow is uninterrupted to attending to tasks coming from individuals in other teams. All these have helped me grow, learn and reinvent myself.

Playing my part in ensuring a substantial rise in the company’s growth as always been a priority. It is great to be able to contribute to that growth from my niche as a Database Administrator.

I would love to hear your opinions and suggestions in this regard, please leave your comments below. Thanks.


Database Administrator (DBA): Evolution In IT Jobs

Database Administration as a Service

