Find Your Fit

Claudia Olsen
Hawk Talk @ Montclair State
3 min readOct 11, 2016
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Simple weekly workouts can change your life. Whether you believe it or not, little changes to your routine can make a big difference in your health. Here are some simple things you can do to stay in shape.

Just run. Running will improve your health. It will boost your immune system. I’ve been a runner for nine years and every time I get sick I go for a run and it really helps me get better. Running opens up your lungs and allows you to breathe better. According to, running can actually help prevent disease. It can reduce the risk of stroke and is recommended for people that suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. Although it may seem like stating the obvious, you will lose weight. If you watch any marathon, the competitive runners are always thin. This is because of the number of calories you lose from running long distances. Those runners burn more calories and have a faster metabolism due to running.

If you start running don’t even worry about being too stressed. Running will help relieve your stress. It is an easy and healthy way to ease your mind and to not think about anything. For that half an hour or more you are running your mind will begin to be put at ease. It will happen. Just try it. Believe it or not, running will also eliminate depression. When you run your brain releases hormones that will improve your mood. Running while stressed or upset is like you are actually running away from your worries. The farther you run the farther away your problems will seem.

After your amazing run that you will have, you will probably be tired. You may even want to collapse to the ground. But when you collapse on the ground, turn to your back and do some ab workouts. Doing sit ups and planks after a workout will only help out your body. Planks are a good workout for your abs and can help with lower back pain. It makes your core stronger alleviating some of the stress around your lower back. The feeling of a sore stomach the next day after doing abs may stink, but you will feel accomplished. The feeling is a reminder that you kicked your butt and you are getting stronger.

The road to getting fit or staying in shape may be long but it is definitely worth it. You only have to start off with two miles a day. If that is too much, just do a single mile. Any kind of running is better than no running. Once you start running more you will actually want to start working out daily. You will find yourself being able to run farther and longer the more you run. It is a great feeling. So get out there and give it a try.

