I Had a Spontaneous Primal Scream

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
Seanachai, the Storyteller


I was lactating but not enough.

The simpering district nurse 👨‍⚕️ was trying to get me to bottle feed but I couldn’t risk inserting the thin end of the wedge that was supplementary bottles.

My son’s first surgery was planned for when he was ten weeks old.

Read more about it here:

His chances of recovery were higher if he was still breastfeeding.

I’d gotten a violent outbreak 😷 of psoriasis — “the pox.”

My panic was mounting and my good-for-nothing husband-at-the-time was spending all his free time at the gym.

I woke up one night, walked into another room and began to howl at the top of my voice.

The feeling of utter powerlessness overwhelmed me and I continued for several minutes, yielding utterly to the convulsions that shook my body.

It hadn’t happened before and it hasn’t done so since.

Copenhagen Botanical Gardens

Beth Mann I am binge-reading your stuff.

