How Paid Search Can Be Successful for Small Businesses

Despite what some may say

Search Engine Marketing
1 min readMar 16, 2014


Earlier this week I was reading an article that basically stated Paid Search does not work for small businesses. This article actually started to make me a little angry at the ignorance it showed. However, I started to see why the writer and many people think that Paid Search is not successfuly for small businesses. The mere fact is that some people are unqualified to be running their own paid search campaigns. Enter the Paid Search consultant.

The number one reason small businesses do not hire a consultant to handle their paid search campaigns is the cost. They think that it is expensive. However, picture this you fund your newly opened Google Adwords account and decide to do it on your own. You say to yourself, “how hard can it be.” Then the next day you blow through $500 and had a negative ROI because you didn’t know what you were doing. A well versed consultant would have not let that happen and would still deliver a positive ROI even after the cost to hire him or her is added in.

So next time you think about doing it yourself. Please consider hiring a professional, we are not out here to try and take your money (although some unsavory consultants might). We just want to help make your business successful because if it’s not successful then we won’t be successful.



Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing Assistant at @hillholliday. Extremely interested in all things Search and Digital Marketing.