The Second Wave: Preparing for Google’s 2014 Algorithm Changes

Most marketing experts would agree that the previous year was a challenging period for digital marketing, as many effective SEO practices of yesterday became obsolete. 

Search Engine Marketing


2013 was marked by a string of major Google algorithm updates. Most marketing experts would agree that the previous year was a challenging period for digital marketing, as many effective SEO practices of yesterday became obsolete. Fortunately, 2014 looks less problematic, especially with the way Google presented the rules you have to follow based on its recent system changes. By reading the messages behind Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates, along wth staying updated with the current trends in the industry, you’d be all set for the months ahead.

According to some of the authorities in SEO, there are guidelines to overcome the possible set of challenges Google may present for digital marketers this 2014. Read more here

Micro Panda and Penguin Updates

The industry already recovered from the worst effects of Google Panda and Penguin algorithm changes to current SEO practices, but continue to expect minor updates in line with content and link quality. Everything you learned in the past is still relevant, so just carry it all the way to 2014. Continue producing well-written valuable materials with relevant links, and conduct regular audits to detect and remove links built unnaturally.

Rise of Visual Networks

Photo and video-sharing networking services, such as Pinterest and Instagram, have had an exponential increase in subscribers over the past years. As social media is a prime landscape in digital marketing, it’s no longer enough to concentrate on mega platforms such as Facebook or Twitter alone. As Google puts a premium on social signals, diversification is the key to distribute high-quality content across networks that matter to your target demographics and search engines.

Year of Mobile SEO

The Google Hummingbird update is just a preview of what’s about to happen in the upcoming months. The Internet giant gives a hint that your site’s mobile performance will play a huge role in your search rankings. If there would be a second coming of the Hummingbird in the future, expect mobile-responsive websites to reap the rewards from Google.

2014 is filled with opportunities to improve your SEO. No one exactly knows what Google might decide to change in the distant future. One thing’s certain, though: the leading search engine will keep launching updates to meet the ever-changing needs of online users.

