Website Optimisation: Helping Your Business Stand Out

Once you use the Internet as a business platform, you must understand that your recipe for success is more than just creating a website. 

Search Engine Marketing
2 min readFeb 13, 2014


Building an online real estate only accomplishes half of the job.The virtual world is home to hundreds of millions of active websites, and there’s a great chance you would be competing against thousands of sites with the same products or services you provide. The most effective way of gaining web traffic, generating leads and driving sales online is through search engine optimisation (SEO).

Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing, help users find the information they need online by entering a keyword.The key to make your business stand out online is to rank number one on every search result relevant to your industry. While these engines use an algorithm that measures a variety of metrics to determine which website is most relevant to the searcher, there are only three elements that stand the tallest.


Any provider of organic search engine optimization services would tell you that pieces of content, such as texts, pictures and videos, are the most significant facet of every web page.In essence, this element contains the information you want to convey.Well-written and unique materials with properly placed keywords are a powerful tool to encourage users to do business with you.

Web Design

The design of your site defines the browsing experience you deliver to users. The layout, speed of loading time and navigation are some of the key aspects that define the performance of your site. As this web element is a combination of technical knowledge and creativity, you have to work with adept and experienced designers to boost the usability of your site.


Links are more than just a bridge for users to go from one website to another; they also make your website authoritative over others, thusimproving your rankings in search results.The more links you have scattered around the Internet, the more relevant your website becomesin the eyes of the top search engines.

SEO is not the only way to reach the top of search results, but it’s the right direction to take for your website’s online presence to improve in the long run.


