What does it mean to ‘Follow’ your business?

The recent update for Android offers an intriguing value for small-businesses

Kevin M. Cook
3 min readDec 23, 2018


So far restricted to Android users, the ‘Follow’ feature is nonetheless an intriguing lever small businesses can use to ensure greater engagement and visibility among Google users.

If you’re looking for the best place to start with small-business digital marketing, I recommend you start here:

Google is evolving — and quickly.

In addition to recent support for hashtags in Google Reviews, Android users can now ‘Follow’ businesses on Google Maps, which pushes notifications about business updates (like Posts or sales/events) to their ‘For You’ tab in Google Maps.

First, let’s break down how it works for users (your potential clients):

1. Search for a business on Google Maps

I’ll use my business as an example, taking screenshots from my Android device. Sadly, the implementation is only thus far rolled out to Android, but iOS and desktop surely can’t be far behind.

2. Click the ‘Follow’ button

Right underneath the business name, rating and business description, users will find a ‘Follow’ button. When they click that button, your updates will begin to populate in their ‘For You’ tab in Google Maps.

3. Google Maps will begin to push updates to your followers’ ‘For You’ tab

Once users click the ‘Follow’ button, they will get the preceding notification, and updates will begin reaching them in their ‘For You’ tab on Google Maps.

4. Your business will begin to appear in the users’ ‘For You’ tab

The ‘For You’ tab is one of three tabs positioned at the bottom of Google Maps, and serves as a curated, personalized collection of information, locations and updates.
This screenshot is from Google’s official documentation about the Android support for the Follow functionality. Click the image to jump to Google’s proprietary explanation of the Follow function.

At least at the time of this writing, Google only supports the Follow functionality for Android users on mobile devices, meaning that desktop users, iPhone users, etc. can’t yet Follow your business. Yet.

Typically, Google will roll out a new function, service or platform to Android users first; once the functionality is refined and tested by the Android user communities, updates typically then roll out to desktop and iOS users.

In the current world of small-business digital marketing, any mechanism by which businesses can reach their clients more directly is vital. Brand recognition, brand loyalty, customer retention — there is virtually no sound business goal that isn’t served by a more direct connection with your customer base.

Additionally, users have to opt in to the feature by clicking the Follow button. Google is more willing to serve your content and website to users who have indicated an interest in your business.

How does it help me?

Because the functionality is only available to Android users, it’s not something you can encourage all of your customer base to do. However, Google typically experiments with the Android user base first before rolling out functionality to desktop and iOS users, so it likely won’t be long before you can.

In the meantime, you can be prepared! Start encouraging customers who seem especially engaged or interested in your business to Follow you; post a clearly-designed sign in your storefront that explains the process (much as you would a poster encouraging Yelp reviews or Facebook reviews, etc.).

There are virtually infinite marketing verticals a small-to-midsize business could pursue; our clients at search/local often ask us where they should even start.

My answer is always ‘start where it will make the most impact,’ and — at least for the time being and foreseeable future — Google is the single most impactful platform available to your local business.

And maximizing the value of Google’s platforms (especially the organic/free options) offers perhaps the best ROI going.

If you haven’t yet set up, optimized and verified your Google My Business listing, that should be your first SEO move. Click the link to jump to Google My Business.
search/local HTX specializes in Local SEO and Inbound Marketing for small-to-midsize businesses. We help clients craft a concrete, actionable roadmap and strategy for boosting their visibility and engagement online. Click the image to jump to our Facebook, and if you have specific questions about how SEO or Content Marketing could help your business, shoot us a message!



Kevin M. Cook

Founder — search/local HTX SEO, Content Marketer/Strategist & Google guru | #LocalSEO | #GoogleOptimization | #ContentStrategy | SMB Marketing Consultant