Chatbots: Where can they assist your customers?

SearchBlox Team
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2020

Customer service is one of the most visible parts of the company and impacts everything from the company image to sales. With so much pressure on customer service, companies constantly try to improve how they serve their customers, and in this pursuit several options have been explored with varied success.

There’s no doubt that customer service is digital now. What this means is that companies are actively trying their best to serve their customers, but this also means that this brings about a set of challenges within the companies’ existing customer service teams.

A typical customer service in this age is a combination of helpline numbers, a knowledge base and or a FAQs page, email support, and in recent times, live chat powered by agents in the backend. Replacing one system with another is out of the question for obvious reasons, which means every company has a variety of ways a customer can contact the company for questions which may cause some internal confusions.

Recent customer trends show a decrease in the willingness of customers to wait for answers. It also shows that customers are embracing a variety of digital means for their support needs and are expecting companies to be on the platforms they use the most. Over 53% of consumers prefer using a chat interface to resolve their problems and over 90% of consumers are more likely to do business with companies that answer questions immediately!

These trends clearly show that the conventional customer service methods have started to under deliver and they need to be streamlined to deliver a better service. In this path, companies have starred embracing live chat and are becoming increasingly common. This aims to deliver on the promise of low or no wait times, conversations with human representatives, and the possibility of getting their queries solved immediately but hasn’t been as effective as what the companies had hoped for.

Common uses of chatbots have been in lead generation for marketing and feedback gathering to improve their product. But customer service chatbots are still manned by humans in the backend. This is where AI chatbots can drastically improve the customer service experience by cutting the wait times to close to 0 and by delivering contextually accurate answers to customers’ questions. AI chatbots can also provide smarter and tailored experiences to customers. All these will not only reduce some of the frustrations of cultural shift but also a quick and effective cost saver that will help them retain customers and increase their brand loyalty!

SearchAI Answers.

SearchAI Answers is an AI powered chatbot that uses two AI powered services to deliver the best customer service experience via chat to your customers.

First one is an AI chatbot that understands your customers’ questions and the second is a different AI Question Answering model custom trained with your website data — all done automatically without any need on your part to manually tag anything!

This brings about a new approach to AI powered chatbots because the existing Q&A systems or even chatbots require you to manually tag items, select and curate and then supply to the model or the chatbot.

This problem is entirely non-existent with SearchAI Answers because it automatically crawls your URLs and generates a model out of the content from your website. Now, you can start serving customers by embedding our chatbot on your support site (or any other web pages) and begin serving customers using AI!

Contact us at +1 (866) 933–3626 or on the website to find out more!



SearchBlox Team

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