39 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2018

Privacy Guy
Privacy Guy
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2018


Search Encrypt shares Verdict Encrypt’s predictions on digital privacy and cybersecurity in 2018. We’re advocates for data security and privacy. Moving forward, growing concern over threats to cybersecurity will lead to more people finding ways to protect themselves.

Generation Z (the generation currently graduating from university and entering the job market) poses new threats because they are so used to sharing information online. Not only is this group more likely to put more information online, they are also more capable of using their resources to find easily-obtainable information.

2017 was a great year for private search engines, like Search Encrypt. 2018 looks to be another great year as privacy becomes the norm, rather than an extra feature.

  1. IoT Device Security to Become Key Focus for 2018
  2. Smartphones to Become Major Focus of Cyberattacks
  3. Email to Remain the Tool of Choice for Cyberattacks
  4. Growing Threats Require New Cybersecurity Tools
  5. Web Crawling to Be Critical to Incident Response
  6. Proactive Cybersecurity in Light of GDPR
  7. Cyber Insurance Policies Will Not Demonstrate Any Actual Reduction in Business Costs
  8. Insider Breaches a 2018 Priority
  9. Cybersecurity to Embrace Blockchain
  10. Growth in Spear Phishing’s Scale and Sophistication
  11. Artificial Intelligence Moves Beyond its Buzz to Make a Real Difference in ICS Security
  12. DDoS Impacting the Cryptocurrency Exchange
  13. Firewalls and Virus Protection to Officially Become Obsolete
  14. Growth in Attacks on Connected Vehicles, Healthcare Providers and Financial Services
  15. The Security Market Will Incorporate Machine Learning to Address Identity-Related Breaches
  16. Ransomware Will Remain One of the Most Popular Attack Methods
  17. Organizations Will Increasingly Adopt AI-Based Systems to Help with Cybersecurity
  18. The Cybersecurity Skills Gap to Bite
  19. Encrypted-by-Default: Implications for All
  20. Many More Security Vendors will Testify on Capital Hill…

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Originally published at choosetoencrypt.com on January 23, 2018.

