Chrome’s Incognito Mode Isn’t Private…So What’s The Point?

Privacy Guy
Privacy Guy


Incognito Mode in Google Chrome, despite its name, isn’t really “incognito” at all. The Independent published this article on Tuesday explaining that “incognito” misleads users into thinking their data is protected.

What Does Incognito Mode Do?

Using Incognito Mode, Chrome won’t save the following information:

  • Your browsing history
  • Cookies and site data
  • Information entered in forms

When users open an incognito window, Google discloses: Your activity might still be visible to:

  • Websites you visit
  • Your employer or school
  • Your internet service provider

Darin Fisher, Chrome developer, recommends using incognito mode for “avoiding cookies, hiding activities from people who may have access to your computer, such as a loved one you’re buying a present for, and protecting yourself against potentially dodgy websites.” Incognito mode is essentially the same as clearing your browser history in Chrome.

Why Doesn’t Private Browsing Work?

When you use a browser normally, the web browser stores data about your browsing history. If you go to a website, the browser logs that information, stores cookies, and stores form data for autocomplete.

In this transaction, the website is also communicating with your computer and your browser. It collects information, like your IP address and type of device you’re using.

Private browsing tells your browser not to record information, but it can’t control what information is gathered and stored on other websites’ servers. Your history, while invisible on your computer, is probably still available somewhere else.

Private Browser > “Private” Browsing

Tor is a good option and the most popular private web browser. The Tor Browser is a portable application that you can carry on a USB stick. This means you can simply protect your browsing behavior on any computer you use. One issue with private browsers is speed. Because you’re taking an encrypted path to websites you visit, site loading will be slower.

So, What Should You Do?

You should take extra precautions if you actually need your search data to be private. Use these 8 Ways to Protect Your Digital Privacy to make sure your information stays safe. There are plenty of ways to protect yourself and encrypt your data.

Read More: What is Search Encrypt? Why Should You Use a Private Search Engine?

About Search Encrypt

Search Encrypt is a private search engine that puts user privacy first. By combining encryption and privacy-by-design, Search Encrypt offers perfect forward secrecy.

Learn More ⤵️

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