Can I Go Home Now?

Vin Libassi
Searching for the Here and Now
2 min readJul 23, 2017

From Jonas Ellison. You’re Never More Than a Step Away…

…we could still go to sleep at night and be alone, because there’s something within each of us that longs to go home.

T’is Life’s eternal joke on itself. We can get the door open a crack, may even manage to squeeze into it a bit, but we’re thwarted one step away from being home. This seems to be a foundational physics principle. Scientists can create a working model of the birth of the universe — up to one millisecond after the Big Bang. You can cool an object to a fraction of a degree above absolute zero, but the universe wont let you get to absolute zero. Likewise, we can never be at home because we came out of nothingness. Perhaps home is complete oblivion and consciousness has no choice but to “wander” outside of that home.

If nothing in that paragraph makes sense, it’s not you. Trust me. I suppose the practical application of that philosophy is to be content with the fact, and the joy, that we are always on the way to somewhere. [spoiler alert] It’s the nostalgic yearning for home that inspires us to keep going. If you’re following your heart, you should feel content that you’ll always be going home — always! And isn’t that a cool thing? The journey never ends. How could it? If you did find yourself resting your feet by the proverbial fireplace until you were warm and cozy, you’d eventually say, “Now what?” and find a reason to leave home again.

It’s all good.

