Let It Be

Vin Libassi
Searching for the Here and Now
2 min readJan 28, 2018

Somehow the energy that is the universe responds to how we think. That’s because the thinking is that same energy. All a brain is, is a place where consciousness can pool up in memory and set us on the road to wondering and learning — and more thinking. But the pool of awareness that is lodging in my brain is no different than that same awareness that is next to me, around you and everywhere else. In that realm, there is no me and you. There’s only the bodiless knowing that I exist.

Climbing out of my shell, so to speak, and realizing I am an infinite consciousness, I project myself via creative thought into myself to create energy shapes using the current of my thinking. Yes, it’s pure creation from nothing and yes, it’s us doing it. Only not us — I is doing it ;^ )

When I think, “Let there be…” fully believing in the potential for anything to happen, there’s no need to ask or pray. I’d be asking myself. I only need to realize all possibilities exist in the acts of creation and in dismantling the creation. Then manifestation follows.

That is how all this stuff in the universe was conceived and gathered into pools of energy that are held in the sense realm by the current of belief and realization.

I keep repeating “realize” and “realization”. Becoming a conscious creator does not involve learning to become one. Creating isn’t a power to be mastered with effort like the martial arts. It’s something I need to realize already is in full potential. When I believe it, it answers my intentions. Well, big me answers little me. A catch phrase reminder of this is:

Realization, not manipulation.

We already create in this way. The appearance and state of the modern world makes me shiver to ponder the kinds of thoughts that created it. It can only be dismantled by changing the hate thoughts to love. We can only heal human relations by replacing the divisive thinking with inclusive thinking. If this issue isn’t brought back to the path, none of the rest can be resolved.

Instead of dwelling on the futility of life, only realize that perfection is hiding under a layer of dust. When you blow away the error of misguided thinking, you realize the perfection was waiting for us to believe in it. We can manifest a beautiful, progressive, r-evolutionary world, but we have to do the “Let there be…” routine. If it’s in your heart to utter, “Let there be peace.” then you must project peace from your own pool of energy. If it’s not inside you, how can you project it outside?

When you be it, you’ll see it.

