The god you see.

Vin Libassi
Searching for the Here and Now
1 min readMar 5, 2017

There’s a slide projector in our minds. Don’t know who the projectionist is but, the apparatus may run on autopilot — flawlessly. Think of an object, any object. If I think zebra, I see a zebra. When you read the italicized word, you saw black and white stripes too. Let’s test that again — God.

Who saw the slide of the old man in the white robes? Long beard? Long, long beard (because he’s really old). Did you see him sitting in the clouds? C’mon, play along — show of hands who saw the old man in the clouds sitting on a throne? Looking down on us?

With binoculars? Zero raised hands. You didn’t see the binoculars?

You will from now on.

