Who knew there was so much to say about nothing?

Vin Libassi
Searching for the Here and Now
4 min readApr 22, 2017

The lesson of the “chicken or egg” story is that something cannot originate from something else. Then that something else would have parents also. It doesn’t reach the origin until we go beyond created things and into no things at all. The one and only “thing” that wasn’t created is nothing, or rather the Nothing. Nothing is the only possible origin we have for all the Somethings.

If every manifestation did come from nothing, then that is the home we consistently yearn to return to. Home is where you rest. The physical realm is where you work, and play. So back home in the nothingness, how were there the ingredients to make a Thing? One essential piece is the thought that preceded every creation. There has to be that famous declaration, “Let there be…” The desire for something to exist is both a thought and an act of faith. Before any thing was created, there had to be a thought that propelled nothingness into creation.

Is it possible to create some thing from no thing? I’m glad you asked. Creating something from nothing is easy. In a hypothetical universe (in other words, this could never happen) where absolutely nothing existed, the idea could arise in consciousness that nothing is really something. I mean, it fills an infinite universe. There’s no other power, so technically nothingness is omnipotent. Here we are, talking about it. Talking about what? Oh, nothing! Nothing is not only really something, it’s really everything in this hypothetical universe. So, let’s demonstrate the creation process.

The Nothing can be pulled apart into not one, but two Somethings. If an energy surge, like the thought, “Let there be enlightenment” can polarize the Nothing into the notion of having or not having knowledge, then creation has begun. Nothing was separated into, mathematically speaking, 1 and -1. Here is where I maintain that even though we appeared to create two things, as long as the two are together, they still add up to nothing. Nevertheless, this divided Nothing is the basis of all electricity, magnetism, gravity and, of course, life.

The life force that allows the human to plug into consciousness and be aware of the world around him is from the eternal chase of Yin after Yang and Yang after Yin futilely trying to regain balance. From atoms to galaxies and beyond, they all do the same dance — the dance of one and negative one. If that makes life seem impersonal and cold, sorry to ruin the romance. The thing is…

We are now caught up in a pro-materialism frenzy. We worship things, we covet things. We worship our humanity so much we turned God into an honorary human. Our sense of self is an imaginary ego who only lives in our imaginary past and future. Yet we strive to bestow on this ego all the successes of a material quest and, obviously, the trophies that come with it. We are enslaved to protect the ego from embarrassment or having to admit to a mistake and the like. We waste so much energy on self-image, we have little of it going out to the needs of others. All this is, 1 and -1. All of it is still nothing. But tell that to someone who’s been zapped by electricity.

For those of you who would like to tell me, “I think you may be on to something here, but, what in blazes are you talking about???? Can you say that in another way?”

I can, and did…

When we trace consciousness back to its origin, it has to be nothing because all things were created by consciousness. A thing can’t be the origin of anything. The origin, the creator, the voice of consciousness — a nonphysical, non-thing must be nothing because it can’t be something.

The pure, formless universe was self-aware. If it wasn’t, it could not have created that very first thing, without the immortal words and the expressed desire, “Let there be…” (and there was).

I’ve convinced myself that we all conscious things are sharing that one consciousness. It can’t be divided, diminished, or changed because it’s nothing. That’s as basic as it gets. Nothing is unchangeable, immortal. How could Nothing have a beginning? When is there ever no Nothing?

When we strike up a relationship and you are liking your friend more and more as you discover who he is. If the effect is mutual, after a time you’ve identified many ways that your friend is like you. That’s the recognition that they really are you. You’re connecting with the shared perfection of the one and only consciousness.

The one consciousness has to stay balanced between negative and positive. It’s all Nothing, remember. The only way it can create a thing is to separate Nothing into opposite charges. When you pull apart Nothing into positive one and negative one, you can create the illusion of a world. You simultaneously create the foundation of all magnetism, light, and gravity. Plus-one and minus- one chase each other in circles. That’s the phenom we call Life. The spinning also causes friction that generates energy. The energy feels good. Love? Possibility.

