Welcome to SearchMyDocs Stack

Jack Thorogood
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2019

One question we have that crops up on occasion is: “Why SearchMyDocs Stack? What is it all about?”.

The answer is that SearchMyDocs Stack is all about our users getting the best return on investment from their knowledge and files. One way we address this as a business of course is through our search functionality. SearchMyDocs makes it easy to find and get the most out of that knowledge or those files, wherever they are.

Although a big part of the solution however, it isn’t the only part. With SearchMyDocs Stack, we help users get the most out of their files by ensuring that those files are on the best, most suitable platform and, where possible, that our users are getting the best deals on those platforms.

Switch between Clouds to get the best deal and fit

The ‘best deal’ part is clear enough and for sure, in most scenarios, SearchMyDocs Stack can help you get the best deal on your software spend.

The ‘best fit’ however is a slightly more complex story. What we mean by this is we help our users easily select and switch to the software which best suits their needs in any of the core verticals of:

· File Storage
· Project Management
· Todo Lists
· Communications

This is really important and, when you think about it, makes absolute sense.

We are all using more cloud software nowadays and, as the market continues to mature, will be years into the future. Almost by definition, the best software for us in a specific vertical will change: The file storage software which was perfect for us when we signed up to it might well not be the most relevant five years down the line.

Our software makes it easy to switch between key cloud software verticals with just a couple of clicks. Select a source and then a destination, and we do the rest.

Manage your billing and users in one place

As part of the SearchMyDocs Stack package, we make it easy to manage your software spend from one place too.

When you buy your cloud accounts via SearchMyDocs Stack, you will get the best deal but also an interface where you can manage your plans, billing methods and, in the case of teams, manage your users too.

Give your team access to the tools they need to do their job, but also have complete oversight of spend. You can allocate budget at an individual or team level and also mandate what software must be chosen from, and what can be part of a discretionary list.

If you’re buying any software in the core verticals above, SearchMyDocs Stack will save you money and help you get the best fit for your needs.

