AMA with Dia Recap

Seascape Network
Seascape Network
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2021

Seascape keeps the information flowing with our nonstop train of AMAs with excellent partners in the crypto space. This time we teamed up with our friend Paul Claudius from Dia, an open-source, financial information platform that leverages crypto economic incentives to source and validate data and oracles, with whom we recently announced our partnership. As per usual, the following is a rundown of some of the best questions and answers we saw that night. As usual, if you want to get in on the best sources of ongoing information in the DeFi gaming space, make sure to join our Telegram server!

What is the central use case of Dia and how does it connect to Seascape?

The DIA (Decentralised Information Asset) platform provides the infrastructure for market actors to supply, validate, use and share financial data. Its mission is to democratise access to financial data, similar to what Wikipedia has done in the broader information space with regard to central encyclopaedias. The connection with Seascape is very concrete. Dia provides a feed for the pCWS pair and is able to push this to multiple chains. This feed can be used by Dapps such as leverage trading on Wowswap. But as DIA is going much further in not only aggregating asset prices but NFT data we see additional collars coming up. DIA is the most open oracle. Anyone can request and define a feed. So with Seascape expanding further DIA will be able to provide different feeds, also NFT specific, that are a foundation for new development.

Why are oracles so important?

Oracles are a very integral infrastructure to dApps. Smart contracts are not able to access outside information, not even unchain info in most cases. Oracles for this reason provide information to a smart contract that can range from asset price data to weather data or NFT specific data such as benchmarks or indices. Also for example randomness is something oracles provide that is often used in unchain games. The integrity of the data provided is key to not abuse the product. In DeFi we can see a lot of vulnerabilities exploited, so called oracle attacks and sandwich attacks in specific. Dia provides stack to mitigate these vulnerabilities.

How does the community receive rewards through Dia?

Dia relies on the community very much. So the product and governance decisions are really something driven jointly. Dia provides bounties and fund tickets for new data sources being added. Definitely something worth checking out if you are a developer, jump on their gitcoin.

What is the nature of the collaboration between Dia and Seascape?

Expanding a bit on the already discussed, DIA has integrated Seascape’s Crowns token into its broad set of data feeds, which will allow 3rd party dApps, such as Wowswap and others to utilise Crowns to provide use cases such as leveraged trading. This collaboration not only expands Dia’s library of on-chain price points, but enables dApps to accurately integrate Crowns price data to their platforms.

Thanks to DIA, Seascape will now have access to a lot more possibilities when it comes to oracles! We will be getting features with other projects such as Wowswap among much much more. Stay tuned for more great news, events, and other opportunities to earn!

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Enjoy the Seascape.

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Seascape Network
Seascape Network

Seascape Network is a game platform designed around the Defi and NFT economies!