The Ultimate Guide To Why Internal Links Are Important

Seattle SEO
Published in
9 min readOct 19, 2020

It’s not a secret that content is king when it comes to Search Engine Optimization(SEO). Google finds your best posts and pages from somewhere on the web. Internal links also link your content and give Google an idea of how your website is structured.

Internal links will build a hierarchy on your site to provide you with more link importance than other, less useful pages on essential pages and articles. This helps you to improve your SEO with the right internal connection strategy!

What are Internal Links?

The internal link is some link from one domain to another on the website. Users and search engines use connections to locate content on the website.

Potential Customers use connections to search the site to find the content they want. Search engines also use web navigation connections. We won’t navigate a website if there are no links.

There are many internal relations forms. Besides links to your homepage, menu, post update, etc., you can add links to your content. We name that contextual connection. Contextual connections guide the users to fascinating content.

They also help search engines decide what content is relevant to your site and its importance. The further connections a web page gets, the more relevant search engines are. Clear internal links are vital to SEO.

Creating internal links has many benefits as it helps create page authority, accessibility, web-page relations, user experience, and future rankings. This article offers valuable tips on why your internal connection should be centered.

External Links and Internal Links

Each website includes internal and external links. External links bind pages and posts on your website and secure your pages to other websites through external links. In this post, we‘re concentrating on internal ties and what SEO implies.

How Google uses internal links and helps website authority?

Google search supports links to find website content and rate it in the search results. If a post or blog gets loads of links, it’s an indication to Google trends that it’s a useful or interesting story.

This involves internal and external links. An internal link is something you manage as a site owner. With the right internal connections, you’ll direct your users and Google to your main sites.

Relationships among content

Google crawls websites using a bot known as a Google bot using internal and external connections. This bot arrives on the website homepage, begins to render the page, and follows the first link. Google will decide the relationship between the different websites, articles, and other materials using the following links. Google can also point out which sites on your web address-related topics.

Link value

Google divides connection meaning among all links on a website page besides knowing the relation among content. The website typically has the lowest relationship worth as it has the most back connections. This link value is shared amongst all of the links found on this homepage. The path to the next page is split between the links upon this page, etc.

Therefore, if you bind to this from your homepage, your newest blog post will get more connection interest rather than just on the category tab. And if Google is linked from the website, new posts will be found faster.

It would help if you realized that more links to the post mean more interest because you believe that links carry on their relation interest. When Google finds a page with more useful links to be more relevant, you raise the probability of that page being ranked.

Examples of Internal Links

Internal Links are precious for the development and allocation of connection equity on the web.

In a single tab, search engines will display material to list sites in their long-tail keywords-based indexes. To reach all sites on a website, you must have access to the crawlable link system — a system that helps spiders search through the pathways of a website.

Hundreds of thousands make the crucial error of covering or bury the principal path navigation of sites in ways search engines can not reach. This prohibits them from having pages published in the databases of the search engines. This is an example of how this question can occur:


The fun spider of Google entered page A and sees internal connections to pages B and E. However relevant the C and D pages are to the network, the spinner can not access them — or even realize that they exist — because there are no clear and scratchy hyperlinks to the pages. With regards to Google, these sites don’t exist since they don’t have fantastic content, strong keywords, and clever ads because the spiders can’t even enter them.

The best website layout should look like a pyramid.

The big dot on the top is the homepage. This layout requires the least possible number of links to the website and any domain. This is beneficial as it helps connect equity to migrate through the web platform, thus increasing the ranking value for each site. This layout is general on other high-performance websites in category and subcategory structures, such as

Internal Links Strategies

There are some items to remember to set up your internal linking plan. How you do it exactly depends on your platform and your priorities, but the following steps are a strict thumb rule.

1. Determine the Idea of a PYRAMID when building a site

Website owners should see their website as a pyramid. Besides, this is the homepage. Below that, there are several bits or divisions, and there are individual posts and websites lower down.

2. Decide your Important content

Then it would help if you decided on your most critical material. In brief, it’s your most elegant, most full content; it’s about your core market. It’s the content you want users to discover while looking for subjects or items you‘re specializing in.

If you want Google to know this is your most valuable material, you need to add other links. You can link your cornerstone material from various locations. We’ll offer the most popular choices here, from your post copy to your navigation.

3. Add contextual links

When you’ve written different articles on a certain subject, you should link them together. This shows Google and people! — These publications are typically related. You can connect directly from copy sentences or add links at the end of your article.

You want to show Google which of these articles is your cornerstone: your most detailed article on this subject. You need to include a connection to the cornerstone in all articles on this subject. And don’t forget to refer back to individual posts from the cornerstone.

4. Link Hierarchical Pages

When you have hierarchical pages on your website, connect parent pages and vice versa. Also, don’t forget to connect to sibling websites. These pages will be linked to a well-organized site, and connecting them would make complete sense.

5. Add Navigational Links

Besides connecting topical posts and sites, it is possible to make your cornerstone content more authoritative by inserting links from the homepage or top navigation. You will do so for your business's most important posts and pages. It would add more connection interest to these posts or websites and make them better in Google’s eyes.

6. Add links to your classification

Classification like categories and tags help you structure the web and help visitors and Google understand the content. Adding internal links to the classification the article belongs to may be helpful. Including links to categories and keywords lets Google understand the blog‘s layout and makes users move faster to similar blogs.

7. Add links to recent posts

The last choice to consider is building internal links to your website’s most popular or newest entries. Build these parts in your website’s sidebar or footer to appear on all pages and articles.

When connection interest passes from several different pages and posts to these most popular/recent blogs, they get a lift. Besides that, travelers’ access to posts should be better, increasing traffic — and more traffic is a good sign to Google.

Link juice

Each bond has value, and therefore, it is called the link juice.

Link juice includes a couple of elements, particularly a page’s value, credibility, the relevance of the topic, and authority. And this juice can be transferred through internal links in the pages and websites.

Some of the primary cues a search engine uses to test and assess the page ranking in SERPs(Search Engine Result Pages) are ties that carry their equity or power.

Let’s presume you have a good Google SERPs account. This page provides a decent level of Google-recognized connection equity. The relation equity on this page can be applied to other websites, which you intend to define as SERP.

Advantages of internal linking

The establishment of an internal link is an essential element in SEO on-site. One positive thing about the internal link is that the website owner manages the internal links absolutely, so it’s essential to make the most of it.

In addition to the SEO principles, an internal connection to the user experience is also important. As an SEO marketer and expert, you create site structures that are friendly and use internal links to direct search engines and visitors to the most relevant website pages. Regards that there are many advantages of internal linking:

1. Internal linking enhances usability through anchor texts

Internal connections are available here to help users access the website. You can ease your user navigation by using the right and user-friendly links in your posts. The anchor texts will point out significant and related material that the readers may be interested in. For example, if you speak of several content issues, you can redirect your user to an old article listing tool, preventing internal links to duplicate problems.

2. Internal link benefits spread the link juice

It is necessary to construct your authority from other websites while concentrating on external links and backlinks. The internal link allows you to expand the connection to certain pages on your website. When you build backlinks to a specific page on your site, you have links to other pages on your site, and thus, the connection is extended. You also want this juice to go to your money sites because the vital component of SEO is understanding how it flows through your links.

3. Internal linking enhances PageRank

Google has built a metric focused on the number of backlinks a website gets to calculate the value of web pages. The score drives from 0 to 10, and while the subject in the SEO community is well known, Google continues to use PageRank as a ranking tool.

A high PageRank page can gain its PageRank further by internally connecting it by spreading the connection to other linked pages. These pages will earn a little authority increase and a ranking boost thanks to the higher link juice.

4. Internal linking lift time on site

Combining similar posts will help you increase your time-on-site and reduce your bounce rate. The bounce rate applies to a client who visits one page and leaves your website. To reduce the bounce rate, you can keep visitors on the site longer if the content you connect internally has a real value.

It would help if you linked to your Google Analytics to track your bounce rate. Click ‘Actions,’ ‘Site Material,’ ‘All Pages,’ and for each of your posts, you can see the bounce rate.

5. Internal linking boosts page views

As previously mentioned, quality anchor texts will help visitors navigate your website. If the content you provide is essential to your audience utilizing an internal connection, they will most likely read more posts. This helps to increase the conversion rate of your platform.

A specific link can help new visitors discover your site, as the links below also boost the views of your website. If you are instrumental, make sure your page speed is optimized to avoid massive bounce rates.

Take Away

Internal linking can meaningfully improve your overall SEO performance, from usability to linking juice improvements. After all, creating a reliable infrastructure is a winning technique. Now you have the primary keys to maximize your own website, go ahead, and start linking your content. If you are not sure about how to go about starting with this effective strategy, reach out to a local SEO expert!



Seattle SEO

A Seattle web design and online marketing agency that delivers high-end websites. A passion for web development and SEO.