Vinny Vidi Vici
Second View
Published in
1 min readDec 5, 2017


Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

by Ashlee Vance

Audiobook (2015): Ashlee Vance does an admirable job of deconstructing the myth of Elon Musk, while still being pulled into the “unified theory of Musk.” Musk’s drive appears inextricably tied to the insecurities of his youth and the successes of his early entrepreneur ventures. Solar City, SpaceX, and Tesla are the crux of his current goals. Musk appears legitimately passionate about getting humankind to Mars and is willing to risk everything on it, whether he means actually means it in the moment he says it or not. He has a perpetual engine of self-drive that creates challenges that he cannot help but pursuing. This was a good biography that offered a balanced view of all sides, even if the author could not help but praise Musk. There is no denying that in the modern era, Musk is combining technology and manufacturing to accomplish things with a panache that is unmatched.

