Vinny Vidi Vici
Second View
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1 min readNov 22, 2017


Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose

by Joe Biden

Audiobook (2017): This was an emotional listen. Hearing Joe Biden recount the emotions and difficulties he and his family experienced during his son Beau’s cancer, was difficult. As the father of 4 year and 5 month old boys I placed myself in his shoes and considered how I would handle that type of loss.

This is an honest recounting of his emotions as VP and as a grieving father concurrently during the last chapter of his time in office. I appreciate the courage it took to write this story down and then speak it for the audiobook version. At certain points I could hear his voice break.

This is a valuable snapshot of one VP’s trials during his time in office.

