What is secondhand.dev?

Ozgur Isikli
Published in
Jun 25, 2022

Hi folks!

I am pretty sure that selling or buying a second-hand device is horrible. How can you trust the seller or buyer? Does the device really work as described? We are here to solve all of your problems; with a platform to buy and sell used electronics for developers.

I am glad to announce that secondhand.dev is live as a global product that can be used from anywhere in the world.

I am a developer who cares about trust in commerce, as much as everyone else. That’s why we’ve built secondhand.dev with GitHub authentication. Without GitHub authentication, there is no way to see who is selling the items on the secondhand.dev. Also, we are using an algorithm that checks the activation of the GitHub account to filter the people that are not real developers.

Help us to build a great product with your feedback!

