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Secrets all around you

Secret Den


Secret launched a little more than a month ago, and in that brief time we have been nothing short of inspired by how people share on Secret. It’s amazing how far secrets can quickly spread, some reaching tens of thousands of people and receiving thousands of hearts. The most well-traveled secrets​ are are often insightful, funny, poignant, or thought-provoking, sparking unique conversations that can’t be had anywhere else.

Today, we’re introducing two new ways for you to share and discover secrets:

Share. People are already sharing secrets by taking screenshots. Now you can easily share interesting secrets to your broader networks. Just swipe left on the post and choose how you’d like to share — Facebook, Twitter, email, or text.

Nearby. Secrets become interesting when you know your relationship to the author. They can become even more interesting when you know the author may be nearby. At an event like SXSW (where we’re speaking and sharing one more secret!) or just down the street, people around you are sharing secrets you might be interested in. Sharing your location is not required to use Secret, but it is necessary to enable Nearby so you can see the popular secrets around you.

Whether you’re reading secrets from your friends or someone at the same event, we believe that knowing how you’re connected to the author of a post is a big part of what makes Secret fun and different. We hope these new features will help you discover more of the innermost thoughts of your friends and those close to you.

You should follow us on Twitter and download Secret for iPhone.

